Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Ending of Year 2016: At A CROSSROADS...

Okay, okay, okay... It's been quite a while indeed since I've posted here...

Lots have been going on in my personal life and it's quite challenging to manage things well as I should but in patience things are working out. Thank God.

First of all, I hope everyone has had a great Merry Christmas in the Lord.

I know for many folks it's a "good season" but there is also a lot of pain, sorrow and personal stress of a "bad season" for many people.

People have lost loved ones during the "holiday season". People have gotten into bitter, ugly fights and arguments with family and friends. It's reality. It happens to us all.

I thank God this Christmas was more "bland" and "dull" over being overly "contentious" and festering with "ill feelings".

Christmas was "okay" for the day it was but most importantly it's celebrated by us Christians as the Day our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ came into this world to live with humanity and eventually save us from our sins.

Thank God Lord Jesus Christ saved us. Amen!

Also, I won't really say here what I "got" for Christmas personally but I got the "best gift" of all apart from the Salvation of Lord Jesus Christ. I thank God for it. Smh... Right on time and without even thinking it to.

It's really *AMAZING* how *GOD* works things out. Nothing like having your family and loved ones back with you. Amen.


Also... as far as "personal ministry" in the Lord is concerned I've always been minded to remain "mindful" of "soulwinning" and witnessing the Gospel of Jesus Christ (KJV 1 Corinthians 15:1-4) to all people the Lord gives me opportunity to share.

Last Tuesday, December 26, 2016 around 10:30p.m. I was walking around the local Cliff Tuttle Park outside of the local library space and gave a "Heart For The City" Christian Spanish gospel tract to an elder Hispanic man sitting on a wooden bench at the park having his "alone moment" of contemplation.

I didn't really want to "bother him" and before I went over to hand him the gospel tract I first asked the Holy Spirit closing my eyes briefly in passing by at the wooden bench table area nearby whether or not I should go to the man or man and hand him the gospel tract. Holy Spirit said "Yes, you may" and I thank God He gave me the strength to *FOLLOW THROUGH* and just *DO IT* whether the man accepted the gospel tract or not because at least I would have "closure" knowing I followed God's Will and one more soul got a chance for some "exposure" to God knowing *JESUS CHRIST*.

After that, I eventually made my way to go into the library to post articles and website links on Google Plus+ and minister and fellowship with brethren online.

Also watched some YouTube videos online of Dragonball Z and Dragonball Super for practically the whole day while also commenting...

I fell into my own "guilty pleasure" but still failed and did not do all the work I should have been doing but God still used my failure to *HIS SUCCESS*.

Anytime now I'm watching any kind of video online on YouTube I make it a "habit of strategy" to comment  interestingly about the content of the video whether it's about the places, characters, people, things; anything that is amusing, funny, informational, knowledge-imparting and I'm learning to be an "Online Fisherman for Jesus" just like Jesus told Peter, James and John He would teach them how to be "fishers of men".

See, when I'm getting involved and *ENGAGED* in the kind of hobbies, interests and activities of commenters I view online who comment on YouTube vids such as on "anime" YouTube vids; I just be me and talk and discuss about everything I'm thinking and liking because I like manga and anime myself.

I'm no "geek" into it, but I definitely love the *ARTSTYLE* and *STORYTELLING* possibilities that manga and anime open up for creative individuals.

Before I know it, someone may reply or respond to a comment I have about something on the video and depending as I read and sense the comment I receive from the commenter I could "potentially" get a chance to witness "Jesus" to someone.

For instance, I was watching a Dragon Ball Super episode about a villain named "Zamasu" who's basically like a "god-like" individual with a very twisted, self-righteous spirit of superiority of being an "immortal being" vs. "mortal beings" as in like us "human beings".

I haven't a clue the actual full plot of the story but it's a very deep, emotional saga that deals with themes of "sin" and "mortals vs. immortals". I saw many connections and opportunities where Christianity could be introduced and referenced in dealing with the life "morality topics" and subjects being discussed like how humanity should not "play God and mess with time travel" and related topics. Real deep stuff. Amen.


Also, also on Wednesday, December 28, 2016 I only street-preached His Word (King James Version Holy Bible [KJV]) shortly as led of the Spirit on Hillsboro Street around 9:40a.m. until I got to the end of the cross street that is Kress Street on my way walking up to the library.

I only briefly held up the Bible to a few people driving by in their cars and trucks as many already seemed to "sense" I was reminding them of their consciences that continued to "reject" the Existence of God they may know in their hearts...

Lately I really haven't been called in the Spirit of the Lord to do any "serious street-preaching" and "street evangelism" lately as God has been using the days and weeks before to minister in the hearts of the people He's been trying to reach through using my vessel.

Folks know there is a God; now it's just that they have to be led into *ACCEPTANCE* as trusting on Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.

It's a time of rest and patience in the Lord to convict the hearts He has revealed Himself too.

Anywhere I go now in town (as has been the case ever since I've been street-preaching here) ... Walking the streets people gaze and "look over to me" in some kind of notable "awe" like "that's the black guy who's always around holding up the bible and preaching walking around".

It's like I have some kind of "unofficial" personal "fame" in the local community which is good and bad in both respects but only for the Glory of the Lord does this matter to me personally. People need to get SAVED and *LIVE FOR GOD* and not continue to look at me as some kind of "eye-gazing spectacle" for personal amusement.

My "street-preaching" might seem like silly antics" to unbelievers and unsaved folks looking from the outside-in and even "Churchian" fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who may think my street-preaching ministry is "too extreme", "primitive" or "unbiblical". "YEAH RIGHT!" I say to all my "hidden" naysayers out there who doubt God's Work in me.

I haven't been doing this stuff for "nothin'" without seeing any results for the labour: God has been GOOD to me and shown time-and-time again changed lives and people getting SAVED as a result of me taking the risk to street-preach in sometimes "hostile environments" that people would call the "ghetto".

EVERYBODY needs *JESUS* and the "Hood" is no exception.

At first I hated it here and wanted to leave ASAP and still do want to leave as soon as the Lord Leads me to go to next destination, Lord-willing; but now I've "grown" to like and appreciate my current surroundings.

God is HERE. Amen.


I suppose now my last piece of "news" I'll mention is that yesterday night after 7:30p.m. bible study I got "terminated" from serving as an "usher" at my local church.

I no longer serve as an "usher" at my church but I will now continue to attend church service and still be of help and service to my local church community.

The reason I was terminated by my pastor is because I refused to participate in the "Nativity Scene" Christmas play Sunday Christmas morning because I was convicted of the Holy Spirit not to be in it.

Before, I "went against" my conscious telling me I should not "go along" with the play and "went along with it".

I thought it was silly and not warranted and the Spirit said not to go with it. I say nothing personally against my pastor because he is the anointed of God as the leader of the church as he even says "Christ is the Head".

That said, I kinda just "brushed on the surface" here of what happened since it's a lot more complicated to this that it first sounds initially and more folks are involved it seems even though in my refusal not to participate in this "child's play" I didn't directly have "personal beef" with other brethren though I suspect indirectly some had some "personal beef" or "conflict" with me even though I'm not personally-involved or attached to anybody at the church as I "serve, help clean and up after service and come and go about my business afterward" and am still new to the church and to everyone that regularly attends.

So... All things being said, this is a last minute deal and I have no "hard feelings" against anyone since I already knew this could happen as "worst case scenario" and since I have my own personal ministry in the Lord I'm not "attached" to the "position" I had serving at church previously since by His Grace I'm serving the Lord all throughout my life and not just in the "church building" of the congregation.

Besides this all, 2016 has been a very harrowing and tense year for me of ups-and-downs with many failures and mistakes but nothing to super disastrous I couldn't recover from in due time by the Strong Hand of the Lord.

I've been "humbled" by the Lord in how hard life is and what it takes to survive and "push through" difficult circumstances and situations. It's been hard but not impossible.

I'm excited and weary for the New Year 2017 to come to pass but I'm very cautious and "apprehensive" about this new year.

I want 2017 to be a year of *BREAKTHROUGH* of *REVIVAL* in the *CHURCH* and also my own personal life.

2017 is the year to rise up to a new level in the Lord and contend with all the enemies of our Lord.

I think I may pose a few "New Year's Resolutions" I have in the Lord concerning the Body of Christ as well as personal goals.

May God Almighty, Lord Jesus Christ be in our hearts as we make the voyage into this New Year 2017. Amen.

~ Sincerely,

Bro. Jed  

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


A while back on Wednesday, November 30, 2016 I was led of the Lord to street-preach His Word (King James Version Holy Bible [KJV]) walking on up Hoffman, Hillsboro and Kress Streets...

It was a GOOD sunny day walking in the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

A lot of folks, as I upheld the Word in my hand "waved by" with their hands driving by in their vehicles as though they "get the program".

Some friendly responses despite "denials" of God.

I perceive the Lord has "revealed Himself to be True" whether many of the people He's given me the Grace to witness to accept the existence of God or not.

It was a good day back then... The library was closed and was closed the day before on Tuesday so the library could have its electrical and computer systems overhauled with updates and configurations.

That's why the main reason why I haven't been online lately; besides personal responsibilities and goals that need to be done...

Also, it's a "tedious process" but overtime, definitely thinking on how I'm gonna "overhaul" this blog and a few of my other websites and projects I hope to upload online in time.

The Lord's been doing great work in the hearts of the people here in town.

I'm "well-known" here in the sense as that black guy "preacher" who be on the streets 'round here.

My walk in the Lord has been getting much stronger now. Making it to church on time and being more prompt and attentive to the task at hand.

Many people I see in my peripheral vision who see me walking to and from church are being "convicted" in their consciences I believe to know they SHOULD BE GOING TO CHURCH instead of "doing whatever they want on Sunday" without acknowledging *GOD* as the *CENTER* of their lives; I'm talking especially for fellow believers in Christ NOT the unbelievers!

TOO MANY Christians nowadays have a very sad poor habit of "neglecting" their acknowledgment of God in their lives by NOT GOING TO CHURCH at least one day a week to fellowship amongst brethren: that needs to STOP RIGHT NOW.

It's a really bad, awful habit; I'm talking about CHRISTIANS here.

I don't expect unbelievers to "all of a sudden" go to the Church House and start worshiping and praising God like they've done it their whole lives because they don't even want to accept there is a Creator (although it's always good for newly converted believers to start going to church as soon as they trust on Jesus Christ as Saviour as soon as possible nothing stopping them).

Even so, I've had many different encounters and experiences in the Lord I have not yet shared and updated here that I would like to but GOD'S WILL BE DONE before any of that.

Love you all whoever you may be out there reading this, saint 'n sinner alike! Take care out there and remember JESUS IS LORD whether you like it or not. Amen!

~ Bro. Jed

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Thursday Excursion In The Lord Around Town In Denver Harbor...

It's been quite a long while...

Lots have happened lately these last days.

Halloween was preached against. Served and participated in my local church of "Calvary Christian Center's annual children's "Harvest Fest" event for children on the wicked, secular "Halloween Day" of the Devil...

Further beyond that even, was fasting in the days of November 6-9 as renowed Christian televangelist "Jentezen Franklin" called Christians nationwide in America to pray, fast and vote during the final election days... Good deal.

Went out and voted with my family.

And yeah, I won't lie but speak the truth: I voted *TRUMP* and NOT Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Although my reasons why are varied and practical, long story short from what I discerned Mr. Donald J. Trump's values and beliefs are more in line with "Bible Principals" above all else.

And yeah, don't always agree or like everything he says or does but like all people he has his "warts" flaws, faults and failures like us all. He's human... like us all (just in case you are an actually human-being" cuz there be "chimeras" about lol; but that's a whole 'nother can of worms for another time).

That aside, I have nothing personally against Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Clintons and her supporters.

I love them all as any and every Christian should love all people.

It ain't 'bout "hating people"; it's about *OBJECTIVE* DEFIANCE against evil, ungodly agendas of the Devil, Satan.

Homosexual marriage, along with abortion and other wicked ambominations are being "strong-armed" and pushed on the masses by liberal-minded elites.

As a Christian I have to be AGAINST what GOD IS AGAINST and that's my whole case here. Nothing personal at all; all about PRINCIPAL.

The "caveat" with Trump is that he's got a "Christian" Vice President in Mr. Mike Pence.

Hope the Lord Works something out there too even; so the "Trump Ticket" looks a lot more promising than the "same ol'-same ol' one would get with Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton & Co.; had she won the presidential election.

Either way it went, I'm practical and pragmatic, I'm not going to "fall out" and "thrown in the towel" and get all upset and in an "emotional tantrum" if Mrs. Clinton had won, but I thank God she didn't.

I already made the mistake in my youthful ignorance of voting in our current U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama the *TWO TIMES*. TWICE

I didn't want to make that same mistake this time; especially since a lot more's in stake for the nation this time around.

So after election news is over and confirmed; I'm glad the "suspense" is "at peace" and finished.

Now it's time for the Christian *CHURCH* to be doing it's job.

That's what I'm focused on going forward as I update news here on the blog.

(P.S. Last night at "Wednesday night bible study" it was good lesson from elder brother Pastor T.J. and brethren. This time around, like I'm now getting better at doing is I "shook hands" with the MAN FIRST and not the "woman's hand" whenever I meet a "couple". In this feminized, "socially-backward" wicked society, women are walking before men and leading up front instead of following behind men. I see this too much to my personal infuriation and irritation when I see women "ruling over men". When I have opportunity as the Lord provides I fight against this wicked spiritual confusion of the Devil, Satan. So when the young woman went and offered her hand for me to shake I'm like "Nah (lol), shaking my hands "no" and when the older man offers his hand for me to shake I SHAKE HIS HAND first and not the woman's. She instinctively realizes this dominant male body language social tactic and doesn't even offer her hand to me to shake. Her husband/boyfriend gives me his "respect" in my conduct for acknowlegding his natural headship as "the man" of the relationship and I did the right thing there. Thank the Lord. Lol then Hispanic sister "M(r)s. K" I'll call her is all "touchy-feely" like she want me to "shake her hand" or get "physical with her"; but I always decline her advances. She has a man; "Mr. G." I'll call him and I'm not sure of their relationship; whether "husband/boyfriend/fiance" but all I know is their is NO "third party" with me being involved. She's got a man; anything I do would only lead to adultery, affair and "bad situations". Nah, I know better than to "entertain" those WICKED devilish thoughts! Smh... Even in the CHURCH lol... women (in relationships) coming on to me. Not good. Anyways I think she knows I know better and that I think she knows (or should) know better. So it stays at that. Love all my brethren in the local church here in town though. Amen.)

Okay now, so earlier today, this morning at around 9:20a.m. I was led of the Lord by the Spirit to go street-preaching on Hoffman Street up on my way to Lyons Avenue being led of the Holy Spirit to do as He Willed.

I'm taking my time walking slowly but surely. Seeing people coming up about to pass I stand over close enough to the curbside to the side of the sidewalk trails to hold up the Bible and "point to them" as though I'm "targeting" their approaches.

Since it's a few "sparse cars" out driving, I'm being "methodical" and analytical in my street-witnessing "going with the natural flow" of the pace of the social atmosphere and local neighborhood as I "wave hello" to people passing by in the vehicles and also local neighbours in the neighborhoods.

As I make it to Lyons Avenue I stopped by the local "Lyons Washateria" for a brief break before continuing "street-preaching" as the Lord led me to do further.

I left a "LORD JESUS CHRIST LOVES YOU!" multi-colored thin brown cardboard paper slip on the hang stand of the phone booth for someone to discover and be a witness to.

Next thing, I'm walking down the parking lot of the Washateria taking a right and holding up the Bible to people driving by on Lyons Avenue.

I'm heading in the direction of going like towards the local Fiesta grocery store.

It's fewer traffic out at the time because the train is passing across Lyons Avenue; so traffic has been diverted into different routes to bypass the train.

So after I cross over Shotwell Street, I'm kind of just "hanging around" individually witnessing to people I can make eye contact with through the glass of their vehicle windows before I eventually plan to cross over the railroad tracks on Lyons Avenue towards Lockwood Drive area by the METRO Transit Center.

I'm circling around walking in the "square of the Shotwell Street crosswalk briefly witnessing to people with the Bible pulled to the side of my body and holding the Bible up to them and pointing to them directly as a "witness".

Message is "received": some people hand wave "Yes, I get it..." some like "Okay, sure, goodbye now" as they throw up their hands in exasperation lol.

After a while, Holy Spirit says "It's enough now" and says I can stop just after the train finishes passing on by.

But before I "make my way" to "pass over" the railroad tracks an elder white man in a wheelchair turns out to be the reason why the railroad train is "stopped up" cuz he don't want to move off of the railroad tracks.

In my spirit I felt urged to walk over to the elder white man sitting in his wheelchair blocking the railroad way and incoming car traffic in the midst.

I'm like "Hey there sir... Are you okay?" He's like "Leave me the f--k alone you motherf---ker!" and he's all cursing me and I'm like "I haven't did you anything wrong. I'm sorry. SORRY... So sorry to bother you" and I said it in genuine natural voice. I didn't reply back angrily in pride like I could have did and cursed him back because I knew as a Christian it wouldn't be the "right response". And besides, I knew it wasn't really the "man himself" speaking; it was a "hateful spirit".

Thing is, this man was angry, frustrated, perhaps bitter and had hatred and wrath in his heart towards people. It's a cold world out here. I don't know the elder white man's life and how he did end up in a wheelchair if he wasn't born into the situation. Maybe he had some kind of accident, perhaps some people caused him to end up in a wheelchair. Maybe it was his own fault somehow. I don't know. That's not what really mattered to me at the time I was engaging with him. I care only for his SALVATION through *JESUS CHRIST* primarily. Amen!

Nowadays, "people" are not as "kind" as they used to be in many ways. It used to be different. Today's society is a generation of wicked, insensitive, self-centered, "cold-hearted" people. It's "everyone out for themselves" today because no one is showing compassion to their fellow man out of fear of being a target and personal survival expense. It's hard to survive and make it out here in the "real world"...

People are living homeless and a whole lot of personal, societal issues going on.

Besides that, than elder white man in the wheelchair I confronted to speak with to "feel him out" what his deal was told me "I'm here to block them motherf--kers!" talking about the train and I don't know what his problem was with the "train people" but I just got a sense in the Spirit that this elder white man was just "angry at the world", "hard-hearted", bitter, and "distrusting" of people because of the harshness of real life and wicked sinners we are.

When I actually did kindly "apologize" saying "sorry" multiple times in a "humble, meek *gentle* spirit" even though I didn't do anything wrong to the man personally I *SAW* and perceive a "relief" in his widened opened eyes that he saw that I "meant his good" and was showing sincere caring compassion towards him personally and his situation.

After apologizing I made my way to "walk on" to avoid further upsetting him as he "cursed me off".

As I kept walking I prayed unto the Lord Jesus Christ concerning this elder white man that the Lord hold not his cursing me against him or anything but that that man might trust on Him and be SAVED and be at peace in life and his fellow man. I don't know his life like I don't know many people's life but if I can't help people directly I can always *AT LEAST* PRAY for them sincerely.

I know GOD can help everyone in need. Amen.

Today, I've gone on a "walking journey" and "scounted" out a few different local locations, areas and churches I didn't know existed or much of. It was good to have it "cleared up" so now I have a very good idea of what to expect and deal with if I make a personal "missions trip" for certain ministry purposes in said locations.

I'm just "mapping out" the exterior of what's seen in a map in my mind: a "mental picture" of how to best serve the local communities. I'm taking NOTES and PLANNING ACTIONS. Not mindlessly and ignorantly "wandering around" like I have nothing to do.

I'm gonna need a car, truck or vehicle to get around more "speedily" to certain places I would like to go. But even before that, GOD'S WILL BE DONE.

I must first and FOREMOST make sure I'm doing what GOD WANTS ME TO DO EACH AND EVERY DAY; cuz I have many plans, many ideas, but ONLY GOD'S PLANS and IDEAS will reap the RIGHT MOST BENEFIT. Must remember that.

Okay, so after walking all the way down Lyons Avenue to the point I get to Highway 59 before the road underpasses going intot the direction of Downtown Houston, I walk up to Eastex Freeway and cross on that road bridge and make my way over to "Jensen Drive" where I all the way down and make my right turn on "Collingsworth Street".

In the time I was heading in that direction I've made "contact" with a few different people in walking and driving vehicles saying "Hey" and "Yeah, I got it" if the Lord has made them familiar with Himself from "seeing me around time" since after street-preaching exploits and "wanderings".

Thing is, what really "annoyed me" today lol kind of was this older black man driving by in his silver car (circling around) asking me with the windows down and slowed down saying, "Hey, baby, you need a ride?" in some kind of ominous, strange creepy voice. Nothin' but the DEVIL, SATAN! lol Smh... I don't trust that guy. Alarms went off in my mind: he's probably some kind of "(child) predator". Wasn't getting any good vibes from off that guy...

Like, hey, he "really cared" about offering a "ride" to another "stranger black man" (me) he's never met and don't know what I could be thinking.

Luckily for him I would be a "harmless case" since I'm not out for "blood 'n mischief". I'm out to "spread the Good News" of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (KJV 1 Corinthians 15:1-4). I'm a Christian, not a heathen thug of the Hood.

That said, I'm like "No, I don't need a ride. I'm walking. God Loves you You have time to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ?..." and before I COULD say what I WANTED TO SAY he's like "drove off". Lol Yeah, go figure...

Lord, I just pray no other human-being has falled for his "tricks" to their hurt. Cuz there's been a lot of people being aducted, held against their will in (storage) containers and all kinds of evil situations. It's sad! ;/ Like what happened to the woman chained at the (storage) container at a serial killer man's house and such situations recently being talked about on the news. It's bad out there.

It's the "cretins" that walk on "two legs" that are more likely to give you trouble than the mere "beasts of the field". It's PEOPLE, NOT ANIMALS one has to be morecautious around. A lot of evil, bad people around.

But besides that, having put him in prayer just hoping and praying no one becomes a victim of that man and that if he's already abducted someone hostage or such situation; hope the police can get a hand on him real soon. Don't know if he's already commited a human abduction crime already or the move; just hoping no one else "falls for his trap". Amen.

So, when I make it to Collingsworth Street I spend some brief time visiting the area of two local Christian churches before I walk the rest of the way down Collingsworth Street to make it back on the "big long road" of Lockwood drive.

After visiting another Christian church in the vicinity on my way back in town I climb over in-between some train trailers and cross over the railroad tracks to get back on the long stretch walking up on Lockwood Drive.

On my way forward I stop by a METRO bus stop for a quick break and see an elderly homeless white woman walking to my direction before passing through the grass field. I know her from around town. I perceive she's a longtime "local". I haven't really had a good "conversation" with her face-to-face besides a passing through "Hey, hi, or hello" and walking on.

She seems like a calm, peaceful, gentle old lady so I give her space unless led of the Lord to approach her directly. I hope she's a fellow "born again believer". An elder dear sister in the Lord Jesus Christ... If not, Lord-willing, I'd like to someday witness the Gospel to her directly, personally but only as the Lord Wills.

I would like to think she's aware of my "Christian exploits" in town by now like many people.

All glory be to the Lord. That's the point. Amen.

So after my "quick rest" it's about around 3:40p.m. and I'm on my way street-preaching His Word held up to people driving by in their vehicles as I walk up Lockwood Drive to Lyons Avenue to get on my way to the library and write this story lol.

So, so, I'm holding up the Bible to people driving by; a lot of positive "heart-convicting" reactions I see on people's emotional faces. Good sign.

Men driving in those tall trucks have the Bible held up to their faces as they drive by seeing the Bible held up with both my hands stretched out up towards their direction to make direct contact. Many see, take notice and consider... Hopefully ALL not just a "good few" of those truck-driving men take the "symbol" of the Bible symbolizing "Jesus Christ" to heart.

The Bible I hold up is JESUS. It's HIM.

Bible = JESUS.

People see "Bible" many people think "JESUS CHRIST" and it goes from there...

Okay now... So on the way back in town... ran into elder brother "J" as I've called him on Lyons Avenue...

So we're walking on down I said, "Hey, hey there elder brother J..." as he's walking up in the parking lot of "Los Jacales" a local Mexican restaurant in town.

He slowly makes his way over to me as I'm walking on along the sidewalk holding up the Bible and witnessing the Word to people approaching by driving by in their vehicles.

He drops his small clear plastic cup of water as he goes to ask me, "You got any spare change... man?" as he's all casually scratching his back with his hand.

I'm like "No, I do not. You have any extra change. I'm broke too."

Turns out I'm "on to elder brother J. since the last few times we've met. I've found out in times past that he's got a "nicotine addiction": AKA "cigarrete smoking habit".

Now I'm no "enabler" for people to go about "feeding their bad habits"; it's not the right thing to do and it's not right for the addicts themselves...

So, after telling elder brother J "No" we part ways as he goes on ahead of me walking up Lyons Avenue. I'm still street-preaching holding up the Word of the Lord off to the side of the sidewalk and stepping down on the curbsides of the road to show up the Bible to people driving by.

Later on, after I have crossed over Woolworth Street on the town block of "Vargas Food Mart" I noticed in the angle of my right-sided vision I see elder brother J. already taking a "puff" of a cigarette across the street in the parking lot of "Norma's Unisex Beauty Salon". It's confirmed again the second time: elder brother J. only want to talk to me to "get some money" out of me so he can go buy him some "cigarrettes" or whatever other stuff he wants to get.

Now I know elder brother J it seems don't really want "help" to get his life back on track but is okay with roaming the streets and feeding his nicotine habits.

I ain't sayin' nothin' "against him" cuz I love him as an elder brother in Christ and a fellow human-being as the Lord would have me do. I just simply realize now and understand that he's only out to "use me" for whatever *MONEY* he can get out of me so he can buy him some "stuff".

Other than that, he ain't gonna really talk with me or have a conversationg; just passing through if I don't just hand him some money to buy cigarrettes and/or beer.

That said, he ain't hurtin' me or "inconveniencing me" unnecessarily so I go about my business say "Hey, how you doin'?" in "small talk" and go on my way as he does the same.

Hmmm... Hopefully I meet see him at church sometime if he's still around town here in Denver Harbor.

A while back we talked, seems like he has kinfolks in Louisiana. Probably originally from Louisiana too; but can't be completely sure.

Since I don't ever really like to "pry into people's personal lives and business" I basically take what they tell me as "true" more or less and don't go any further. It ain't my business and has nothing to do with me otherwise.

I only hope and pray the best for him, and people that do "open up" a little to share their lives with me, that God Almighty, Lord Jesus Christ works in their HEARTS so that *HE* can WORK IN THEIR LIVES to accomplish *HIS WILL* for their lives.

That's all I can hope for. Amen.

~ Bro. Jed

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Put Thy Bottle AWAY From Thee!

Earlier this morning I met an elder Hispanic man sitting at one of the green iron benches under the green gazebo at Cliff Tuttle Park outside of the library. Good man.

I'll call him "Mr. G."

He has takin' it easy, laid back, listening to some music blaring from his phone and ear buds and drinking a bottle of beer.

He's like "How you doing there, young man? I'm finna go cash my check... Get me another one of these [beers]" and laughs a big laughter.

I'm like "No... You gotta take it easy on those [pointing to his beer bottle]."

He's like, "Yeah, yeah... Well, God bless you young man..." and we "fistbumped" and I departed away from him to the library... Good to have met him.

Hopefully the Lord Jesus Christ will work in his heart to do His Will in his life. Amen.

~ Bro. Jed

Saturday, October 22, 2016

A Lesson In Homelessness: An Elder Brother In Need

Today was and still is a good sunny day Saturday, October 22, 2016...

So later on this afternoon towards early evening I went by the local library to really "meet up" with an elder brother in Christ, an elder homeless black man whom I have met around town previously; ran into last Monday and seen at church prior to that at "Calvary Christian Center Church".

Today, I had prepared him a small but "decent" meal to take with him if he would accept it.

Last time I've been talking with him he's like, "Man, I've haven't eaten for days... Been dumpster-diving to make it..."

I said, "You been downtown yet like I told you earlier and get any help?"

He's like "Nah, no... Don't got no bus fare..."

I'm like, "I didn't have much money either. I just walked all the way down there on Lyons."

He's like "Nah, I don't walk..."

I'm thinking to myself you must not be very serious about making it then.

To my folly I offered him two unripe (yet eatable) green-skinned oranges to eat last time we spoke and he's like "Nah, I don't want that..."

I admit it was a quick snack I had brought with me and not ideally want I would have given him to eat.

But I figured it was "something better than nothing".

Fast-forward to today I met him out standing outside the library door entrance looking at himself in the reflection of the front entrance door window panels; talking to himself.

Then when he noticed I walked up from behind him he's all asking me "You see something on me?"

I'm like "No... There's nothing on you."

The elder man must have been having a "schizophrenic episode cuz nothing was on him.

I kept trying to talk to him and get his attention as he was hunched over scratching his back as though trying to "scratch something" off his back and pant's legs or something...

Really bizarre out front but I understood something must have been going on in his head; so I was not too alarmed.

I then thought and remembered to mention "I have a vial of anointing oil. Want me to anoint your head and pray over you?"

Eventually he realizes I'm talking to him and responds, "No, no, I'm ai'aith...".

When he was really scratching at himself I stretched my hands out and prayed over him for God to help him out. Did not know want to do for himself.

He then goes to ask, "You have any bus fare?" I'm like "No, I don't have enough to be doing that now" and left it there.

I offered him two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and two apples in a white Dollar Tree plastic bag to take with him to have on hand later to eat... but he DECLINED!

He's like, "No, no..." I'm thinking to myself and at first I tried to urge him two more times, "You sure? You can have this to eat LATER on hand. Not now. But for later." He's still like "No."

After that I'm thinking, well, he must not be serious if he's really "hungry" now to eat. Beggars can't be choosers! Amen!

I'm not even in the boat myself still in a kind of "semi-homelessness" to just "hand out money" to other homeless folks just WASTING money on a lot of petty foolishness...

At first I thought he was in dire need, but somehow he's making it. Still watching out for him as the Lord leads but the thing is... He just wanted me to "give him some money" and "go on". A "hand-out" with no "follow-up help".

I'm not in a position to do that for folks, and even if I was, I've learned the mistake of doing that to "enable" people to "live off other people's generosity".

A while back ago I TOLD HIM to go DOWNTOWN where I heard from another experienced homeless black man (I think by choice) who told me of a local downtown Houston charity that be giving out McDonald's hamburgers afternoon in town. But he NEVER followed up on my advice.

Already telling him he's not gonna get much help from people or resources in this area because it's poor and people are afraid, apprehensive, indifferent and don't have time to help out the homeless roaming around the area.

I've been here long enough to know what's available and who and what might help someone: not much help here. Downtown is where all the resources at mainly.

So back again he's like saying, "I haven't eaten in (so-and-so) days.... Looking at Samburger over there. I want to get a burger."

From the get-go I'm already thinking he's wanting me to "fork over money" to buy him a burger at Samburger but the burgers there are EXPENSIVE at around $10.00-up. I wasn't about to do that. I've never regularly spent that much money on a "burger" out some place to eat besides a "rare treat".

I replied, "Samburger is expensive. I already told you where you can get some burgers for free downtown. You need to SAVE your money. Even when I was homeless on the streets I didn't and wouldn't waste any money at a restaurant for a burger."

I wasn't being "unkind" when I said this. I've met the man enough times to figure out he's always "shaping his statements" in a way to get me to "offer him up" some "money" to do whatever he wants with it. I could be giving him beer, drug, cigarette money or anything else, Lord Knows and yet and still I'm even homeless myself and don't have nobody "watching my back" who'd be willing to return the favour.

I don't expect "help" and don't even want help at the "inconvenience" of the person offering me help but I like to think I have close friends and people who would be "willing" to help me at my wit's end if really needed someone's help. Would be "willing" to really help if they can. That's who I give the benefit of a doubt and some credit.

So, having nothing more to say because I didn't want to "push my agenda" on him since he didn't accept my help I just said, "Okay, well, I hope to see you this Sunday at church if you come" to which he replied more-or-less "Yeah, okay, alright..." and walked on.

I'm keeping elder brother "J" as I'll call him in prayer. Don't know his life, only God knows.

What I do know is GOD has a PLAN and WILL for our lives and it's up to US to ASK HIM and OBEY HIS PLAN AND WILL over our lives and not "ignore His Calling" over our lives.

It's an EXCUSE to say you "have nothing to do". GOD created you for HIS WILL. If you ask God what His Will is for your life you ALWAYS have something to do. Guaranteed. We are to "pray without ceasing" for instance.That leaves no room for "nothing to do". Amen.

Don't trust no one who claims to know God and still live "aimlessly" as though they have "nothing to do". That's a big, fat LIE of the Devil! Amen!

A person might be "ignorant" of God's Overall Plan and Will for his/her life like we all are but GOD has something for EVERYONE TO DO. I know I do. I'm doing some of it in this blog post, God-willing, hoping to do more for even the world to see; but I KNOW I must always be fruitful doing SOMETHING. NO EXCUSE.

You know what you need to do. Quit "hiding", "procrastinating" and "avoiding" God's Purpose for YOUR LIFE. I didn't quite know God was calling me to be a preacher and minister in my youth; now I do. Also a "creator" of various things (to be seen... God-willing).

So yeah, back to drawing board... Amen!

~ Sincerely,

Bro. Jed

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Downtown Houston: A Monday Walk In The City...

On Monday, October 17, 2016 was a VERY GOOD day I have to say in the Lord... Amen!

It was an early morning out and I was led of the Lord to walk on Hoffman Street and make a quick right turn onto the sidewalk of Hillsboro Street before making a right and walking on up Shotwell Street...

I met elder brother "J" on the way. An elder black homeless man I had met elsewhere in town and then met again in church at "Calvary Christian Center" Church on street address 544 Henke Street, Houston, Texas 77020.

Anywho, we both talked about "life situations" and parted ways... It was a good, needful talk in the Lord since I don't normally walk down Shotwell Street but I ran into elder brother "J" so that just confirmed the Word of the Lord I heard in my spirit concerning whether I should walk up Shotwell Street.

On my way to Downtown of Houston, I was walking on Lyons Avenue all the way down and it was a great journey...

Saw a black man relaxed sitting on a black iron bench, a young Asian woman looking in "sorrow"... A lot of people need JESUS... A spiritual "depression" in the air....

I smiled and met many different people along the way... I've walked under the huge, spread-out, sprawling tunnels and saw where the homeless people dwelled that were "cast out", "forgotten" and "denied" and "ignored" by society at large.

I've come to realize seeing both the poor and rich in the city... GOD is the MAKER of us all.

It was a profound surreal experience that doesn't do justice to "type up" in this mere post, but a faithful reminded...

Took a lot of good, interesting pictures along the way...

This was my first time to really get around to "exploring" the whole city downtown but I haven't even really "scratched the surface" of what all goes on in Downtown Houston.

So, on my way back home I met an elder black woman (who was homeless I think) sitting under an overpass seeing me in "good spirits" "smiling" she's like "You look happy, smiling" she smiling at me, I said, "Yep", smiling back and waved off as I made a good trip on foot back home...

A good inspiring and HUMBLING TIME in the Lord for what's to come... Amen!

~ Sincerely,

Bro. Jed

Friday, October 14, 2016

Street-Preaching To "Guarded Hearts" Who Know Their Creator Exists

Today, I was led of the Lord to go street preaching.

I walked up Hoffman Street, unpacked my large-sized burgundy King James Bible from my large Jan Sport black backpack and held up the Word (King James Version Holy Bible [KJV]) to a few people briefly passing by in their vehicles on Hoffman Street on the backside of the Vecino Denver Harbor Family Clinic where the employee car parking lot is.

As I made a cross over to the sidewalk on Hillsboro Street I took my time in leisure making sure I was making eye contact and witnessing holding up the Bible to people I could see through the car windows; reaching directly to SOULS that JESUS LOVES.

Since it was relatively "quiet" and "sparse" on the roads throughout the neighborhood this afternoon I was being methodically in the spirit and witnessing to people driving by in their vehicles as I saw them pass by; not simply "walking off" but taking time in the Lord and letting cars I know were approaching my way to "come to me" so that I could witness to people directly and not miss an opportunity to "sow a seed" of God's Word" in people's hearts for remembrance.

A lot of people wave their hands "yes" but I really wonder: 'Who's "for real" in all this?'

I like to think a lot of people are being "saved" by the Holy Spirit of the Lord convicting them of their guilt as sinners (as we all are) but it's not for certain they are "believers" of the Lord Jesus Christ. They could simply be acknowledging, "Okay, I get the 'Bible Message'. Moving on..." but don't take the Message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (KJV 1 Corinthians 15:1-4) to HEART.

A lot of people I KNOW and can SENSE DEEP DOWN KNOW there IS A GOD but are still leaving in stubborn, self-willed REBELLION and don't want to believe on Jesus and LIVE A HOLY LIVE as a result!

People instinctively KNOW when they become a "Christian" they should be "obeying God" and His Word in every detail of their lives and a lot of people don't like to deal with that idea in their minds: people want to do "THEIR OWN THING".

People do NOT want to be "responsible" let alone "accountable" to a "Higher Being" other than themselves.

It's painfully obvious: people KNOW GOD IS REAL; they don't want to obey Him. That's all.

NO ONE wants to LIVE FOR THE LORD! Everyone out here is going about "living life" on "their own terms" - not *GOD'S TERMS*. That's the distinction.

Lord Knows, as many people He's given me the grace to witness too; there is NO ONE I've witnessed to as opportunity of the Lord has provided that hasn't been shown the "Truth of God" through His Son, Lord Jesus Christ.

It's CLEAR JESUS is the ANSWER to all our problems in the world right now. People KNOW that. At least they do if they've encountered meeting me in one way or another. The Lord's been using me as a "living, walking epistle" sign and wonder of His Word.

People look at me in SHOCK and "disbelief" as though they're saying in their minds throwing up their hands in the air in defiance: "Is that the SAME BLACK GUY I saw such-and-such-a-time holding up a Bible on the street?" as they "encounter seeing me second and third times.

"Coincidence" I think NOT and they know and GOD KNOWS.

Of all the people the Lord has blessed me to be able to be a blessing to, none can say they were "presented the Truth about God" if they end up dying in their sins from THEIR OWN STUBBORN, SELF-WILLED UNBELIEF: they KNOW God exists and that JESUS, the SON OF GOD is LORD and they do NOT want to "obey Him" and LIVE IN OBEDIENCE.

Because, once they believe in God they can't lightly "turn back" and act like "God doesn't exist" in their lives and live life like they used to in ignorance.

When one becomes cognizant and CONSCIOUS of GOD in HIS/HER own life he/she MUST OBEY GOD to be in RIGHT STANDING WITH GOD and NOT living in "excuses" like no God exists and they can do whatever they want. Amen.

I've realized now that it's not only the "churches" that have issues for why much church attendance is down to all-time LOWS because of "apostasy"; it's also because so many people are REBELLIOUS in living their WICKED, SINFUL LIVES OF IN-ACCOUNTABILITY!

No wonder such wicked sin and evil we see in person and hear on the news is going on: people are their "own gods" and can do as they please; forget "The God", "I am god of my own life" is many people's internal life mantra. It's undeniable.

So... I street-preached my way up Kress Street, having walked up Hillsboro Street and witnessed upholding His Word in the air waving it up slowly alongside the strides of my walk as I passed by pointing directly to some people in their front driver's seats as I walked on by.

Hopefully, God-willing, with prayer so people "still in rejection mode" will now come into "acceptance mode" of the TRUTH and OBEY THE LORD! Amen!

~ Sincerely,

Bro. Jed

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A Preacher PREACHES!

Hello, hello... It's been a while, peoples... Yo' boy "Jeddy Boy" is back and he's got news... Well, the LORD'S NEWS. Amen!

So, today around 10:10 a.m. I was led of the Lord to street preach His Word as I'm wont to do.

I'm walking down Hoffman Street, upholding His Word in my hands and witnessing the Bible to people passing by on their cars on Hoffman Street. The Lord worked in my spirit to make sure I walked up close enough along the grassy edges and corners of the roads and streets making direct eye contact with people I noticed and sure noticed me watching them as I held up His Word.

A lot of people been waving off their hands in DENIAL not wanting to think of God or even acknowledge the possibility of their being a CREATOR of this world. But there is, people know better. They just don't want to have any accountability for their lives.

People nowadays are LAWLESS who don't want to be HELD ACCOUNTABLE for their actions: good and evil.

Today's law of the land is the "law of SELF". Law of FLESH. People only care about themselves and being an ignorant "god" of themselves. Smh, shame.

Also, I was seeing a group of young Hispanic man coming out of a house this early, crisp, fresh breezing sunny morning air that really heightened up my experience and made me in a good mood today. Thank you Lord JESUS! It's really a good day today but EVERY DAY is a GOOD DAY with the LORD! Amen!

So, I'm walking on up Hoffman Street, definitely holding up the Bible to people directing in the front driver's seat of their cars and trucks. I'm talking to them in "silent speech" and pointing the Bible to them directly as symbolic body language of saying, "God wants you to come to Him."

But a lot of men, women, young and old seem to have to "disregard" God's Ways in their lives and NOT be "accountable" to an All-Powerful Creator. Everyone wants to "be their own boss" of their lives. Everyone wants to be "their own god" it seems...

In like manner after a brief stop at the Lyons Washateria (that I normally stop for a quick break to regroup any loss mental focus or direction I may be lapsing to have a clear target focus), I walked up on Lyons Avenue, pacing, taking me time as the Lord move my feet to get up close to people driving by in their vehicles to let them know "GOD LOVES THEM and He's Calling them out for REPENTANCE".

I was out saying, "God LOVES You! It's time to REPENT! Trust on the Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ!, It's time to turn from our wicked, sinful ways and so forth. "God's Ways are the BEST Ways." It's time to get right with God and other such exhortations I was led of the Spirit to "cry out" in the public whether some people heard me or not.

I exclaimed out loud: "We need JESUS! JESUS! JESUS!" and hopefully by the Lord's God Grace, some people "caught on" to that Glorious, Wonderful, All-Powerful Name of JESUS. Amen.

Hmmm... It's interesting though, and I'll be honest folks... All this time I've been street preaching, evangelizing and "soulwinning" for the Lord, Lord only Knows how many people have been CONFRONTED WITH THE TRUTH that is JESUS CHRIST.

The Message has been presented. If people wonder "if there is a God" I'm telling them and already have that JESUS CHRIST is GOD ALMIGHTY, GOD INCARNATE. There is no need to look any further than to read the "Good Book" and discover for yourselves.

Smh... I'm not meaning to brag, but I'll go and say it: I've witnessed to so many people across this nation of the U.S. of A. it's really pitiful and sad for me to think all these people I've "shown the Way to" might still end up dying in their sins and end up in HELL. Not a good reality I like to ponder, but it's the HARSH REALITY.

I hate to "play around with fantasy": I deal with REALITY no matter how good, bad or ugly it can be at times. I'd rather live the truth or the "real" than live and believe a "lie". That's not good for anyone. That's just me personally. People are free to do as they please; to their good or bad, really. I only TRUST in GOD for my direction in life. Amen.

Also, I can't help but to think ALL the people the Lord has given me the grace to witness to in my three+ years of Christian ministry has been literally ASTOUNDING. God uses "small people" and "small things" to accomplish "BIG FEATS"!

I'm really amazed... Thing is, all these people the Lord has given opportunity to witness to has been a blessing, but the flip side of the coin is if any of these people end up dying in their sins because of their stubborn, hardheartedness of unbelief, God's most likely gonna bring up the fact at the Great White Throne Judgment, "I sent my servant Jed to show you My Word, why did you not believe Me, that I AM GOD and there is none else besides Me?"

Yeah, cuz people gonna say, first thing at God's Great White Throne Judgment, "I, I had no idea, You [God] were Real... I'm SHOCKED!" but God's not gonna led them slide with that really lame lie; I'm sure there's gonna be a lot of flashbacks people are going to wail and gnash their teeth about such as: (God): "I sent you my servant Jed. Remember that young black man you always saw wandering the streets ministering My Word: why did you not believe him?" People are gonna be dumbfounded in deathly SILENCE and horrible sincere REGRET. How AWFUL a situation to be in! Truly horrific and sad! Amen! ;(

Oh wow, all I have to say to people is this: God is REAL. He has a Son and His Name is Lord Jesus Christ. You can either simply believe in good "child-like" faith that God is real and believe on His Son, Lord Jesus Christ or continue to live in your ignorance of unbelief; but don't just say "there is no God" when there is EVIDENCE all around creation proving His Existence.

Rather, just say it like this and be HONEST for once you LIARS!: "I don't want to obey God, I want to be my own person and live life any way I want. Thanks but no thanks I like to be my own 'god'. I don't want some "Sky Daddy" telling me how to live my life. I want to do what I WANT TO DO" and leave it there. Okay, I get it. Just don't "play people" like there is no God. *YOU KNOW THERE IS A GOD*. You just don't want to OBEY HIM. Amen.

But don't you DARE "blame God" for YOUR PROBLEMS or the "problems in the world" because of sin and evil humanity. It's humanity's fault we destroy ourselves but don't pin the blame on God, okay?

Too many people are whining, complaining, crybaby LOSERS who don't want to put up the EFFORT and FOCUS it takes to WIN IN LIFE.

For starters, ALL of God's Children are WINNERS by default; but every sinner who dies without trusting on Jesus and dying in their sins are LOSERS; spiritually-speaking. Sorry to say, but it's the truth. Somebody has to tell you. And I will, so maybe you can be a WINNER like ME.

Also, also, so much has been happening this last few days since I've been offline (too much details that would take forever to put it all here online; but in patience a great deal will be shared). A lot of people by God's Grace have been getting the Gospel of Jesus Christ (KJV 1 Corinthians 15:1-4) in their hands to themselves directly. Everyone; men, women, children, young and old.

Hopefully, I'll be around to sharing out the experiences online sometime soon but no guarantee at this point right now; a whole lot of work I'm intending to do and get done by His Grace.

I'll share an example of yesterday: I was at home reading out of KJV 1 Kings 20-22 chapters wrapping that book up and saw some Hispanic women walking by on the sidewalk of my home neighborhood Hoffman Street... One's an elderly Hispanic woman walking slowly with her push walker and the other is an older Hispanic woman walking her lil' Chihuahua dog on a stroll back to their house.

At first, no matter what, wasn't going to let this opportunity be lost so I sped walk to the sides of them trailing them from people, coming up to their sides to avoiding giving off a "sense" like I'm doing some "predatory stalking" and gave the elder Hispanic woman a "Jesus Christ LOVES You" Gospel of Jesus Christ (KJV 1 Corinthians 15:1-4) gospel tract and then crossed over Hillsboro Street and just in the nick of time gave the younger Hispanic woman a "Jesus Christ LOVES You" Gospel of Jesus Christ (KJV 1 Corinthians 15:1-4) gospel tract as well.

Her lil' ol' dog Chihuahua all barking and biting, nibbling at my legs and feet; but I'm as calm and at peace about it like it's not bothering me, cuz it's not. She's all "I'm so sorry for this... Stop [Dog's name] cut that out!" she's saying, but I'm like coolly "It's alright, it's alright... It's all good" as I'm making my way back to the house so she can be acquainted to her kinfolks watching out on the front house porch.

Lol. The dog wasn't bothering me. It was kind of "cute" in a way. Felt like a strange leg massage, howbeit a "noisy" "fussy" one, lol. I like cute lil' doggies. They nice company to have at times.

Anyways, after having smoothly and timely made my way up Lyons Avenue today; I'm back here in the library to minister and work online.

God-willing, will be updating on new developments in the days and weeks ahead... Amen!

~ Sincerely,

Bro. Jed

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Street-Preaching: The Battle of the MIND...

Earlier today, just past 12:00 noon this afternoon, I was led of the Lord to go street-preaching His Word (King James Version Holy Bible [KJV]) on Hillsboro Street after I crossed over from Hoffman...

I was having a "bad day" today and felt depressed and under "psychological mental attack" from the Enemy.

It was nice, and sunny out, a good sunny day and really nothing to complain about; but I just felt bad and in a crappy mental fog of "distress"; like the Enemy really didn't want me out witnessing today...

By His Grace I just "fought" out the mental fog and did what I could do "physically-speaking" and "moved on body" on the way and went out to witness His Word.

I kinda just "mumbled under my breath" at times in fatigue. Really wasn't "feeling it" today. But in all hindsight purposes I think the Lord is teaching me to PUSH THROUGH the PAIN and not go by what "feels right" at times but by WHAT I BELIEVE HIS WORD SAYS.

I could've just say "screw it" and not bother about street-preaching today; but then I KNOW I would REGRET IT LATER and be even more angry and upset with myself. Thank God I just DID IT. Amen.

So, walking up Hillsboro Street and holding up His Word; I'm mindful to hold the Bible to my chest as I also point it up to the side of my head to be "symbolic" in body language saying "Trust God [Bible] in Heart and Mind".

Another thing the Lord has done spontaneously in me physically is that I outstretch both of my hands raised up together as though I'm about to "hug and embrace" someone with the bible held in one of my hands as I fold in my arms together as though I'm "hugging and embracing" an invisible person while I'm making direct eye contact with people passing by driving by in their vehicles. It's like God's Way of saying "I'm here, come to Me all ye who look for the desire of your heart. I love you and want to be close to you. I'm always here for you when you need me." GOD is wanting to embrace sinners of whom I am chief.

I went by slowly, just "staggering" along walking up Kress Street on the sidewalks, passing by a Hispanic family having a yard sale up front of their house and finding shade underneath the leaves of a few trees as I made my way to the library.

As much as I wasn't really "all there" mentally as I street-preached His Word, I knew God was working mightily in me judging by people's more "positive" and "receptive" reactions to the Message He had me delivering.

For as the Lord saith, "My Grace is sufficient for thee. For my strength is made perfect in weakness." and I sure was WEAK at that point. I was in WEAKNESS. I didn't feel like doing anything in particular, let alone "ministry" but I had to FORCE my physical body to comply to the will God known in my mind.

As Christians, we have to TRAIN OUR FLESH to do what God wants us to do even when we don't always "feel like it". It's not easy, and sometimes we fail. But we must ALWAYS keep doing the BEST WE CAN by HIS GRACE. We must NOT "give up".

Alright then, about to "sign off". 'Til next time, God LOVES you and so do I in JESUS' NAME.


~ Sincerely,

Bro. Jed

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Early Evening Street Preaching In Denver Harbor, Houston, Texas

Earlier this evening around 4:10p.m I would say, but perhaps a little earlier, I started street-preaching His Word (King James Version Holy Bible [KJV]) led of the Lord walking up Hoffman Street and taking my time going slowly and "methodically" concerning who I "targeted" to "hold up the Bible to".

I approached people driving by timely in their vehicles off in the grassy curbsides of the road and people I saw who were neighbours I did not "approach" and "hold up the Bible" to them from a distance as to "keep their sense of privacy" if they did not want to be directly bothered or approached.

Now up to Lyons Avenue... I made a brief stop by the Lyons Washateria telephone booth for a "breather" then make my way going right up Lyons Avenue towards the local library I frequent.

It's a "slowing down" early evening of the day and it's not all "high-energy mad rush to work morning time but a "slowing day of the evening time..."

An elder black man on the opposite side of the road from me is out selling stuff from his truck by a Hispanic-ran mini Washateria...

I've met him and say "Hello" for quite a few times on my walks back home... This time in passing, didn't make direct eye contact with him as he's wearing his black sunshades on and retiring to the front of the mini Washateria.

I'm on my way, walking, and holding up the Bible in methodical but adaptable real-time timing reflexes to every vehicle that crosses my path going in my direction and the opposite direction across from where I'm walking on the edge of the sidewalk of the curb of the street and then stepping back on the sidewalk when too close to the roadway.

As I'm holding up His Word and preaching to the people by His Spirit a Hispanic man with sunshades on driving a yellow school bus throws his hands up in frustration; perhaps not wanting to "have anything to do with God".

I keep him in mind for PRAYER later.

Also, I'm being very diligent in the Lord to be attentive to people I should approach with His Word and those I should "leave alone" and not "approach directly".

It's been a good and QUICK DAY! Oh man, didn't get as much as I "ideally wanted to today" but a good bit's been accomplished.

Signing off... Amen!

~ Bro. Jed 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Reconciliation With The Short "Mad Black Woman"! Amen!

Well, yeah, it happened today... Quite a pleasant surprise, truly and really.

Yeah, THANKS be to GOD I was NOT expecting this! Amen!

So around 11:10a.m. earlier this morning the short "mad, black woman" who had cursed and argued me out a while back (who was also the same woman the Lord led me to witness to previously...) actually APOLOGIZED to me and said she was "Sorry, for how I spoke to you" and all...

I accepted her apology and hope to be on "good terms" with her in the future as the Lord leads.

Yeah, I said in return "Hey, well,  Thanks. We all be going through things in life, I know how it is" and ended it there. It was GOOD that the Lord gave us that "reconciliation" because more than anything if I CAN "reconcile" to someone who's done me wrong or I them, I want to RECONCILE and build a better, good relationship from there.


Likewise, I'd rather have more ENEMIES than a lot of "fake, phony, flaky people" only "pretending to be my friend to use me anyway they can and then "stab me in the back". (But in my ideal situation I obviously want more "friends" than enemies; but like ol' Nicki Minaj once said I think, "My haters are my motivators!" Amen! I get a thrive off knowing the good works I do for the Lord infuriate my "haters" out there whoever they may be. GOD'S WILL BE DONE y'all! JESUS CHRIST LOVES YOU whether you like it or not! Amen! :) )

No, I don't do people like that, so I just either keep to those people whose company I enjoy or leave stay to myself until I can find "good company".

Now, now, it's a "good season of change" I think, that the Lord is starting to implement here and in my life.

God-willing, I'll stay in touch over time. Please keep me in your prayers as I keep you in mine.

Many thanks in Jesus' Wonderful Name. Amen!

~ Sincerely,

Bro. Jed

In Contact With An Elder On The Way To Monday Night Prayer...

Yesterday, Monday, September 19, 2016 I was walking on my way to Monday night prayer last night that's usually opened up by elder brother "Mr. F." 7:00p.m. on Monday nights.

So I was walking on the sidewalk of Hillsboro Street having passed by the Woolworth Street cross-intersection street on Hillsboro and I came into walking contact with an elder white man with a long bearded ponytail walking along his way with his walking cane.

He basically reminds me of the "look" of Mr. "Dumbledore" with the glasses and the ponytail beard of the wicked Harry Potter novel series but the elder white man wore a regular "cap" hat.

I politely and casually gave the elder white man a "Jesus Christ LOVES You!" Gospel of Jesus Christ gospel tract around 7:10p.m. on my way to Monday Night Prayer with elder brother F. I didn't even think on it; just REFLEX of Spirit led me to take advantage of the opportunity and the elder white man received the folded gospel tract. I prayed shortly after as I continued walking. He's received the "Good News" but only GOD can work in his heart to lead him to SALVATION if he isn't already a fellow (elder) brother in Christ.

I hope and pray the best for this elder white man. I've seen him a few times inside the local library and walking along the sidewalk of Kress Street outside the black iron fenced perimeter of the local library.

Afterwards, after prayer with elder brother F. at "Calvary Christian Center" Church I street-preached "slightly" a little bit as the Devil, SATAN was "fighting me" with multiple voices in my head trying to confuse me from knowing the difference if I should actually street-preach or not so I just "did" to "test the waters" and eventually come to a conclusion to continue on or not and stop.

Eventually, I heard the Voice of the Spirit give me clarity in telling me plainly "NO..." and was not led of the Lord to do any street-preaching anytime this day. Amen.

A Good Sunday Church Day Coming Home...

On Sunday, September 18, 2016, just before 12:15p.m. walking on home from church on Kress Street, it was a great day today!

I not only made it to church ON TIME but I attended the early church meeting with our pastor, his wife and the brethren in the choir and various church ministries before the actual church service started. It was a good swell day indeed... Led of by the SPIRIT OF THE LORD! Amen!

So, to the main point: the Lord spoke to me in the Spirit telling me to give this elder Hispanic man  who just got out of his truck walking to his house a "Jesus Christ LOVES You!" Gospel of Jesus Christ gospel tract for him to receive as he said "thanks" and I nodded "yes" and was led of the Lord by the Spirit to walk the rest of the way home... A good "uneventful day indeed"...

Thought I was gonna "street preach" today but the Lord's Voice in the Spirit told me "No...", so no street-preaching this day... Yep, this was a GOOD SUNDAY. Amen.

~ Bro. Jed

Friday, September 16, 2016

The Sunday Morning of "9/11" Remembrance Day...

On Sunday, September, 11, 2016 I was led of the Lord by the Spirit to street-preach His Word (King James Version Holy Bible [KJV]) on Hillsboro Street walking on Kress Street around 9:40 a.m.

... Made it to church ON TIME this time but I missed the morning meeting with Senior Pastor T.J. and the brethren that serve in the church.

Man! It's MY FAULT! Definitely need to be out of the house no later than 9:00a.m. to be at church for the 9:15a.m. meeting?!

Now, in the afternoon around 12:10p.m. I was led of the Lord to street-preach briefly on Kress Street before stopping and walking the rest of the way home... Amen.

~ Bro. Jed

Street-Preaching... Trials And Tribulations!

Today, o yea, I was led of the Lord this time to street preach His Word walking up Hillsboro Street and making a right turn walking on Kress Street.

It's not always an "easy breeze" when the Lord tells me to go out and "preach His Word" to the people when I may be caught in personal situations and "obligations" with people that try my heart to see if I'll "give in to my fear" of upsetting close family and friends.

Nevertheless, I STEEL my mind in cruel hard, rigid focus, determination and an unemotional neutral gaze MAKING EYE CONTACT with angry, "mean-looking" faces lol ;D for walking out on family and friends expecting me to be around to help them with something when things are taken care of and I MUST OBEY GOD *FIRST*. Family SECOND! (Don't get me wrong, out of PURITY of heart I do right on business and personal family obligations; I'm in that group of "rare individuals" who don't cheat people out or slack their hand)

Yeah, yeah... by His Grace I'm not one to "get into trouble" on my own, fooling around, doing drugs, drinking beer, sleeping with many women as a "player" or hanging out at the nightclubs and bars or "getting high" or any of the foolish dumb stuff young people my age are so accustomed to doing and expected of... Yeah...

In a sense I'm a "polite ol' preacher boy" but not really. Not NOT AT ALL!:P

Regardless of the case, so... I'm walking up Kress Street upholding the Word (King James Version Holy Bible [KJV]) and seeing people pass by in their cars.

I'm saying "God Almighty, Lord Jesus Christ LOVES You!" or "God LOVES YOU! Trust on JESUS, the SON OF GOD!" and like manner...

A lot of times, as been doing this for quite a while now it seems more than it really is, when people see my around, they either "snap" "Okay, I'm tired of being reminded of God by you" is what I think they may be thinking like judging by their "reactions of being in my presence and I in theirs".

Also... A lot of people "sneakily" it seems (but Oh yeah, best believe I DO NOTICE! But I'm not really "offended" that much or take it to heart) like to "give me the finger" after they have driven off in their vehicles (but I notices!... Usually always unless my eyes are focused talking to somebody or looking elsewhere but I capture my surroundings greatly in my peripheral vision. Amen.)

Yeah, just yesterday on my way back to Denver Harbor having made a stop at Workforce Solutions on Wallisville Road looking for another job and handling some other business; I'm walking on past this Valero gas station off the curbside walking pass the driveway and this white man in his green truck or some color, yeah, he's all reacting like "Gosh d--mmit! Not you [me] again!" as he speds off in his truck and indirectly giving me the finger as though I'm to busy walking and tired in the hot Houston sun to notice his "actions". Well, guess what? I DO! lol ;D Don't ch'you worry though, I'm not "offended" at heart; I'm used to this kind of thing. It means I'm doing my job well in the Lord lol.

OFFEND THEM! But I'm not "personally offending" people when I'm out street-preaching.

lol People just don't want to be CONFRONTED with the TRUTH that there IS A GOD. They want to live their lives with NO ACCOUNTABILITY to a "Higher Power" other than themselves.

Everyone wants to be their own "lil' god" or "lil' goddess" of their "lil' lives" in the world without acknowledging the INSTRUCTION of the REAL GOD in our lives. Amen!

So, I've done this enough to know not to take people's negative reactions personally. They can't "hate me"; they don't know me. It's GOD they have a problem with. People are going through a lot of personal and emotional drama in their lives.

I'm one of them, but I know the LORD.

Also, the people who "hate to see me" hate to see a "walking, living, breathing living epistle of one of the servants of the Lord" as the Lord uses me to remind them of HIS EXISTENCE.

I've walked on numerous streets, roads, highways; ran on interstates to get across other sides and numerous many adventures too many to list in brief time spans; but it was GOD USING MY *WILLING* FEET to do HIS WORK.

I myself, am NOTHING and NOTHING and can't DO NOTHING without HIS GRACE and HIS ANOINTING over my life. It's GOD using me to get to peoples' hearts so He can Minister unto them.

GOD is the One pulling the strings. I am His puppet and He uses me very well according to His Purposes.

Sometimes I just don't know what God is doing or going to do when and after I'm done preaching, if people's hearts are really being CHANGED to TURN AFTER GOD. Only GOD knows the full story. I can only do my best to remain OBEDIENT to His Call because some days I DO DISOBEY GOD and DO MY OWN THING! I'm a SINNER!

It doesn't even have to be a "bad thing" I do but just me "doing what Jed wants to do" like "staying in longer to eat more food" than being ready to go to church and be on time, or going out to preach.

Any myriad of so-called "minor everyday things I do" that by all means don't appear to be "bad" if I do them but the lesson is of OBEDIENCE to the One I'm to OBEY!: GOD! Amen!

Well, I truly be praying throughout all the day long; even though I don't always pray "long prays of five, ten thirty minutes and up" but just talking to God from the heart concerning His Will in my life and the people I also want to be saved from ending up in HELL. Amen!

Life is SERIOUS. When dead, that's where you'll be: HEAVEN or HELL! I've chosen HEAVEN by GRACE through FAITH on the Son of God, LORD JESUS CHRIST!

Even though as filthy, utterly pure evil and wretched as I am, I don't want to spend an eternity in Hell BURNING FOREVER if I can be "at peace" in a "Cool Place" like Heaven?!

No, I can obey requirements. Going to Heaven is provided only by JESUS CHRIST the SON OF GOD; I want to GO THERE! Amen!

Friend, whoever's reading this, male or female, boy or girl, man or woman, I'm telling you RIGHT NOW I triple-dog DARE YOU: you are truly no more PURE EVIL and WICKED than I am and I'm telling you the TRUTH on THIS: *JESUS CHRIST is the ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN!* There is NO OTHER WAY to have ETERNAL LIFE after death. NO OTHER WAY!

You'll be wasting your precious time, money, energy and resources in VAIN trying to "live forever" here on this sin-cursed planet doomed to destruction; but the Good News is God's Son, Lord Jesus has prepared a *KINGDOM* for His saints that believe in Him!

Don't get me wrong, I'm no "saint" but a *DEVIL* saved by GRACE through FAITH on CHRIST. Amen! I'm NOT a "good person".

BEWARE of anyone who thinks he/she is "good" in the Sight of Almighty God Who is PERFECT GOODNESS!

I'm filth. I'm nothing. GOD is GOD! Amen!

Also, I could go on but it's time to close, for now, Lord-willing, 'til next time, Lord-willing...

Alright now, God LOVES you and I hope to shew forth His Good Works in new exciting ways, methods and "surprises" to the world as He allows me to work them out...

I got a lot in mind and heart to BRING FORTH but it will take time to SEE ALL THOSE GOOD FRUITS. Amen! ;)

Alright then, take care of yourself, and most importantly, REMEMBER thy Creator Who formed thee in the womb.

Oh yeah, please pray for me. I'll be praying for you. Truly thank you on that.

Love you in HIS NAME. Amen!

~ Sincerely,

Bro. Jed

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

"Stink Eye"! ;P

Just now a few minutes ago I had stepped outside the library from working on the computer to walk outside and confront some people standing outside the entrance of the library.

The short, older young black woman with the cap on her head pushing the baby stroller with her little one" girl (can't tell if the little girl's her daughter or her taller young black woman friend with the hair twists) gives me a "mean-looking" stink eye as I made my way back to sit down in my seat.

Why, lol, are you looking so mean at me? I haven' done you bad at anything. ;D Don't ever really know you.

She was the woman I had gave a "Jesus Christ LOVES You!" Gospel of Jesus Christ gospel tract card to a few weeks back.

Turns out I walk out the library door and I'm just walking but expecting to get into an argument with her. I was led of the Spirit to walk out; I was mildly grieved, upset, disappointed and "angry" at her unfounded "chip on her shoulder"self-projection" on me. I had done nothing to make look so "mean-looking" at me. I hate seeing those "ugly faces" in my vision.

A young black man with hair twists and a cap on his head lookin' like a real "thug" as is called got some "grills" on his teeth and I think if I recall correctly his name is "Cornbread" or "Catfish" lol. Street black folk names; but serious...

So I gave this older, young black man the handwritten by pen "Jesus Christ LOVES You!" Gospel of Jesus Christ gospel tract I had made last night along with some quick pocket change.

Could have gave him more but he made like he was in a rush to somewhere before I had chance to offer him more change. I was willing to give a bit more to go along with.

Anyways I don't really want to "get all into it" but the black woman I've met before; she's all like cursing me out calling me a "b*tch *ss n*gga" and I'm standing there off to the side of the concrete building with my back and leg against the wall engaging her coolly in her arguing.

I thank God He gives me the Grace to think calmly and rationally and not respond back in my PRIDE of anger, cursing and putting her in her place.

She's all like "B*tch *ss n*gga I'mma grown *ss woman!" (Well act like one!) and she's all condescending on me like I wouldn't "help her out" cuz she homeless after I already told him I'm going through a "homeless transitionary period" myself and not completely out the woods myself. 

I only had a dollar and some change on me and she's all like "This n*gga wouldn't give me a dollar so I could buy a hamburger" which is something I don't recall or remember if she told me last time we crossed paths.

I remember her asking me for a "dollar" but not her telling me what she was gonna use it for. Last time she asked me for 50 cents so she could get me to go with her and buy her a cigarette to which I refused.

Now, when she brought up the "dollar deal" again as I've moved on in life and she's thinking I remember all this; she did NOT make it clear she was going to buy a hamburger with it; but she asked if she could have some "bus fare" money" to which I flatly said NO.

I didn't get back a response to where she was going and what her plans were to go with the dollar I could have given her. I might need that myself. No telling what she would have actually done with the dollar and I would have needed that for PROPER PURPOSES! I might need to actually get the bus to handle some important business. I have no time to "handout" for "leisure trips".

Anyways she's all cursing me "guilt-tripping" me in vain fashion to make like I'm so "a-hole" when in actuality SHE WAS THE ONE BEING THE REAL A-HOLE! lol At least I wasn't all angry cursing her out but calmly reproving and countering her foul words back at her. I didn't call her a "b*tch" as it's called, even though she was acting like one. I could've "snapped" got angry back, curse and argue like a heathen thug n*gga but I knew better than that to do, obviously...

I had to do the proper, RIGHT THING as a *CHRISTIAN* to keep my personal life testimony in good standing. Be the proper EXAMPLE as (unworthy) earthly representative of Lord Jesus Christ.

She's all like "You don't know my heart! I've helped all kinds of homeless people!" yadayadayada and I'm like "So I have, you don't know me as well." and we went a little "back 'n forth" on that as I deflected her accusations and assumptions as she said "N*ggas be assuming stuff like you thought I was gonna use that dollar to buy a cigarette." I'm like "No, I didn't know what you were gonna do with that dollar. You didn't tell me you were going to buy a hamburger."

She just saying I'm "assuming" about her" when in actuality the script is FLIPPED and she's actually ASSUMING what SHE ASSUMED I thought about her. All she wanted was the money from me and to go; she didn't want to get to me know me and "make friends" as being a fellow homeless person; and go further and tell me the details of what she intented to do. Just to "rip off" something frpm me and "screw me over" and don't care about being clear and true. Just wanted my buck andto leave.

Anyways, lol, she could have been MORE HONEST and since she obviously had the "time to "fuss and argue" with me what she should have done was talk in "regular conversation" like good, civil people do and politely discuss her intentions. But no; she can't do like that.

I didn't and don't respect her horrible attitude she showed towards me. She knows she could have (in her words) "be a grown "*ss woman" and act like one but instead she's all in a "hissy fit" like an emotionally-immature lil' girl. Not behaving like a "grown woman". Do better than that. I'm a stranger to you, and haven't done you any bad or harm personally but good since we first met passing by in life. She doesn't know me at all, like I don't know her.

Lord Knows I would be willing to help any way I could at the time as long as I have an idea of what's going on in her situation. Hey, so she's homeless, so I am! We could have discussed some things to see how we both could have helped each other since we're all in the same boat; but she wasn't being "understanding" in that respect. That kind of thinking is beyond her at this point.

lol... Seems like her girlfriend had the smart sense to "keep quiet" and not condone or "go along" with her friend's pointless, senseless, arguing at a stranger. I'm not sold on her either; she probably has her own "ugly ways" as well; but hides it better than her friend. But at least friend her is honest in her "real self" upfront. I hate dealing with fakes. And yeah, I got my own "ugly ways" as well when I'm in sin; but I don't impose my problems and feelings on other people. If I got a problem I withdraw and keep to myself. I don't "lash out" against people who aren't messing with me and ruining other people's day when I could be doing other stuff.

I'm not going around to "hand out" money or resources to people living on the streets that have been locals around town making it all this time before I even made the scene here. They are just taking advantage of people's good kindness for WEAKNESS to use people to live off of because they are too lazy and selfish to work and take care of themselves as ADULTS!

I can tell the difference of "sincere homelessness" to the people out here just being homeless to "abused the system" and use people to live off of their whole lives for drug habits, criminal activity and general laziness of taking care of own self in life.

If you're gonna live a homeless life out of personal FREE WILL, please do your best to live off your own without selfishly begging people for money so you can live off people your whole life without taking care of yourself as you should.

There's a difference between those homeless people who've suffered great financial loss and/or been thrown out of society for mental illness and various reasons who are really trying to make it back into society with a home and a life in contrast to people who chronically live on the streets homeless as a lifestyle to live off of people like leeches because that's what they do their whole lives: LEECH!

I'm not an original "local resident" here in Denver Harbor, Houston, Texas. I'm from Seattle, Washington. I'm merely a visitor on a Mission! I'm not planning on staying here long-term. I'm making plans to leave this place in accordance to God's Timing as I have my "ducks-in-a-row".

For her, I don't know her life or her plans. I don't know if she plans or intends on living homeless on the streets for a transitionary period or long-term in her life. I don't know if she has people, family and friends 'round the area that could take her in or help her out in resources. She may be a resident in town; she hasn't told me any information 'bout what's going on with her; but every time she sees me she's asking me for "money". What about me? I'm homeless to. She never offered to help me out as well. Amen.

There's social security, welfare, food stamps and resources she could get for herself and kids if that's the case. She's a poor woman with kids she can get help. I'm a single, young black man in society who could be prejudiced as a "thug" or "lowlife" in society's eyes just because I'm homeless. She's just trying to use people.

I have family and friends here in Houston but I do NOT have the "safety net" she may have. From what I can see with all her angry cursing and "butt on her shoulders" she's probably pissed her family and/or friends off from helping her which really tells you something about her disposition. If you spoke to her in person I'm sure you'll understand.

I'm not gonna "enable someone" to leech off of me money and curse me senselessly when they got a "backup group" of homeless friends to help them out there. I don't have that safety net. I'm a newbie in town with no "trustworthy" local connections. Remember, it's the GHETTO I'm living in. Nobody trusts or does nothing for nobody without anything in return. It's just me and the Lord out here. That's the reality. I'm going solo by necessity not by my own personal choice completely. It'd be good to know I could have some friends and people who could "back me up" as I would them as I would need help; but I don't have that good luxury.

She has support. I've seen her group. She and her girlfriend with their kids and street folk hanging out under the green gazebo at the park. I don't know their lives. And who is out there gonna help a homeless, poor, broke homeless young black man? NOBODY really besides rare "exceptions" of individuals (such as myself for example. Yeah, yeah, I'm an example of this group. Like it or not, okay?).

In reality of the situation I would have her back but (I have an instinctive gut and TRUE feeling) she wouldn't have mine if I could better help her out in any way. She's out only for herself and HERS; I'm not a part of it. I get screwed over and she makes it without a care for my person. I give her the "benefit of a doubt" but like the Lord says "don't sleep on the pledge".

The man's the one to provide and protect and when it comes to the world of men and women. The men do the providing and protecting. The women do the nurturing and caretaking maintenance.

I accept help as necessary from women but don't really like to be helped by women partly because of "pride" as a man wanting to handle everything myself taking care of me and others and also because I don't like being seen as "weak" in any situation (that's something I'm having to grow and deal with in the Lord); when men are the ones to be helping out women in terms of survival and the sacrificial sex in live.

Why else is it commanded in Scripture that in the love of a husband towards his wife, he would give his life to die so that his wife (and friends; loved ones) could live just as even the Groom Lord Jesus Christ gave up His Life on the Cross to save His Newly-Wedded Bride the CHURCH!

Only MEN have this natural, instinctive and expected sacrificial life instinct and social mandate of society to sacrifice their own self-preservation for the good of the people, the tribe and society. NOT women. Like it or not. It's true and natural.

Women are to be kept alive and live to ("properly") get married and make babies to keep society reproduced in future generations.

Men build, maintain and protect the functioning of society and all the conveniences we take for granted in our daily modern lives from housing, plumbing, electricity, vehicle transportation, refrigerators, cell phones and all modern conveniences will enjoy in our daily lives.

The very fact she's all cursing, mad and "angry" at me a total stranger to her she doesn't know personally at all besides us seeing each other passing through town in public but never really "hanged out" together any time to really have time to know one another.

I absolutely HATE selfish-projection of people's sneaky motives on me! Quit trying to USE ME! NO LOVE SHOWN! Amen!

That all being said, the "silver lining" in the whole ordeal is she said "I still have that paper you gave me." and that right there made my day as far as I'm concerned with her.

Now, if I see her around passing through I'm gonna treat her well and normal as I've always done to anyone else. I won't "purposely avoid her" unless the Spirit bids me not to make an appearance around her.

Regardless, as is customary for me, I'm keeping her in prayer as well as all the people I meet in my daily life and "no hard feelings" or "grudges" or hold on.

I can tell she's just speaking out angrily from pain and frustration in her life of how hard life has been for her whether she brought some of it on herself or "life happened" only God knows her full story.

All I can do to people is love them, forgive them, pray for them and understand that the way they act towards me is more of an expression of what's going on in their hearts than any "personal hate" towards me; as I'm simply a "stranger" passing by she doesn't know.

May God Almighty, Lord Jesus Christ BE with us all in His Love, Wisdom, Forgiveness and TRUTH. Amen!

~ Sincerely,

Bro. Jed

A Brief Spontaneous "Piggly Wiggly" Surprise...

It's been a great while since I've had good opportunity to be able to give someone one of my handwritten " Jesus Christ LOVES ...