Sunday, November 18, 2018

A WEAK Wretched Worm As I...

Today I was kinda feeling pretty crappy today actually...

Lol just came out of a fast a while ago and just as quickly went into a little "backsliding" in emotional "temper tantrums" of my personal life situation.

Anyways it's just MY FAULT in the end and no "blame game" to play.

I basically just stayed up too late at night into the early morning and set my alarm clock to wake me up by six in the morning to get ready for church today.

BY GOD'S GOOD GRACE actually made it to church today but it was a "battle" of a sluggish, grumpy person fighting against his flesh...

Flash-forward on the way to church with my family we stopped at the local Quick Way gas station and I saw a man sitting at a corner with his stuff; he looked homeless or some guy "going through some stuff"; perhaps on drugs and/or related issues.

I could relate to the man.

So I stepped out the car and gave the man a "Jesus Christ LOVES You!" Gospel of Jesus Christ (KJV 1 Corinthians 15:1-4) gospel tract as he sat on the ground and people passed by it seemed without even at least "acknowledging" the man as a human-being regardless if they "looked down" on him as a "hobo" in their minds...

Even if I don't help homeless people on the spot because I can't or it's not the "right moment or situation" I at least do my best to ACKNOWLEGE their existence as human-beings with basic human dignity and respect and not to "look down" on them because they're homeless. Like trash not even human... It's wrong for people to just turn a "blind eye" to people on the streets whether they're like that on purpose or not: just ACKNOWLEDGE and treat people with simple dignity and respect because it's the right thing to do and it makes your life easier and more meaningful in the end.

I just came up and said it: "Even though I don't look like it (I'm all "dressed up" for church) I'm a MESS too man..." is all I had to say with him and we "understood" each other and he intently took the gospel tract I handed him with EARNEST interest. He saw I acknowledged and respected him by saying "I'm no better than him" as I am a "mess" myself with many problems and issues God is dealing with me on working on. A work in progress I am.

Anyways after that little encounter I just got back in the car and whole family and I went off to Greenfield Missionary Baptist Church for service. Amen.

~ Sincerely,

Bro. Jed

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Brief Spontaneous Witness At Walmart

On Monday, November 5, 2018 I gave a "Jesus Christ LOVES You!" Gospel of Jesus Christ (KJV 1 Corinthians 15:1-4) gospel tract to an elder white man at the local Walmart bus stop area just before 1:55p.m. going into Walmart for groceries...

Quite quick and unexpected at first but Spirit-led.

I said, "I feel led to give you this..." as I approached the man sitting down and in response he said "Okay... Thanks...".

~ Bro. Jed

Friday, October 12, 2018

"JESUS: Prince of Peace"

Today I met an elder sister in Christ at the Dollar Tree earlier this morning who stopped me and wanted to tell me something.

She asked, "You be in the service?" to which I replied after seeing the Name of JESUS on her baby blue (Christian) shirt "Oh no (as in "real military service") but I'm in His Service" and she spoke how good it is to see a young man of God following after Him to which I was humbled by her kind words of edification to KEEP BEING A DILIGENT FOLLOWER AND DISCIPLE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST...

Anyways, after that I saw her again in the store and was gonna try to say something but then she was on her way running her errands and I didn't want to bother her further as the Spirit led me and my family out in a timely manner...

This elder white sister in Christ had on a baby blue "Jesus: Prince of Peace" shirt that I really "dig" the more I reflect and think on it after seeing her wear it.

It's good to see other believers have that kind of PUBLIC faith and make a STATEMENT out in PUBLIC whenever they feel led to by the Lord of course.

May we do all things in GOD'S SPIRIT.

Also later on on the road saw a white wolfing down a jam-packed juicy burger kind of sandwich and I intently "gazed upon him" as we rode side-by-side and looked at him and he caught my "glazing" and undoubtedly saw my Christian black "God's Army" cap on that I'm sure got him all "riled up" and "uncomfortable" as God used me and the hat I wore to "reach out" and "remind" the man to TURN TO HIM.

After we road side-by-side for a while he got so sick of me seeing him and him seeing me with "that hat on" he sped off ahead to "lose me" from being a reminder of "God" in his life.

Yep. That's only a GLANCE into my daily life folks.

People have gotten to the point in this country of the United States they don't want ANY REMINDER of GOD in their psyche AT ALL: people want to be their own gods and live life their own ways.

Such is the sad state of the world today.

Even so as "darkness" rises the Light rises to dispel it: I look forward to the BLESSED HOPE in the end regardless of the personal situations I be going through.

God Wins in the end. Must always remember that. Amen.

~ Sincerely,

Bro. Jed

Sunday, August 26, 2018

A Quiet Casual Day In Christ

Today I had a lil' "street preaching to do led of the Lord by His Spirit in which I started walking with the Bible at 9:08a.m. ending at 9:25a.m. when I got to the church house for worship and fellowship earlier this morning.

It was a good quick day though the few people I got to witness to today didn't want any "remembrance of God" being mentioned at all. That said, I did what I believe wanted me to do as I witnessed the Word of God walking on up Kohnke Hill Road on my way to College Town Missionary Baptist Church here in Hammond, LA.

I witnessed to a few people driving by in their cars and trucks:

A black woman and her kids driving by in her red truck who I met on the way living from my neighborhood (she lives in the same community as I do).

Another young black woman driving by me in her silver car...

Also as I got to the end of the road on Kohnke Hill before I walked down the church driveway with my white handbag of two packs of chocolate chip cookies to bring for the fellowship dinner after church service.

Along with my burgundy-brownish Bible in my hand I witnessed to a white man holding up the Bible in his view passing by on the left side of the church driveway with his black sunglasses on through his driver's side silver car window as he "signaled with his had "I know... I got it..." as though to "gesture" he didn't want to be bothered but "got my message" and went on about his business.

Anyways, it was a nice, quiet, peaceful day though many people were "in their own little world" shut in and didn't want to be bothered with God, church or some "Christian person" holding a Bible in the air in public to be "reminded" of the "possibility" of a GOD in their lives; even though it is a REALITY.

~ Sincerely,

Bro. Jed

Sunday, August 19, 2018

My "Real" Water Baptism

Today, August 19, 2018 around after 12:15p.m. this afternoon in Independence, LA I got SCRIPTURALLY BAPTIZED today. It was a great day following a great Sunday morning bible study and church service sermon from my Pastor "Bro. R." at College Town Missionary Baptist Church here in Hammond, LA. It was a good time. This time around I was water baptized correctly and under the proper authority of the New Testament church (a lesson I've been learning). Anyways, Lord-willing, looking forward to the future of what God wants to do in the "local turf" I'm currently living in. Amen. ~Sincerely, Bro. Jed

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Mute Day Street Preaching

Today at 9:28a.m. I felt led of the Lord to go do some "witnessing" of the Word to people driving by or passing by on Kohnke Hill Road here in Hammond, LA on my way to church this morning.

It was a quiet, "desolate-looking day" with many people still at home and cars in the garages or parked outside.

I kept on walking on my way and held up the Bible slowly and securely to the drivers I met on the road as I walked on the side of the road but I got mostly a "cold reception" from people either wanting to ignore seeing me and being reminded about "God" ultimately.

People have really turned their backs on God and don't want to even "think of His Existence". It's frightening...

Also, "church problems aside" it's still really NO EXCUSE for many Christians to refuse to come to church on Sunday mornings.

That's really becoming the main "crux" of the  problem in my opinion these days.

It's expected for "unbelievers" to not know God and go to church but it's really a SERIOUS PROBLEM when many professed believers know the Lord and still refuse to go to church on Sundays.


Anyways I kept on witnessing holding the Word up to a few people I met at the intersection of Kohnke Hill Road-Patti Road still walking on up Kohnke Hill Road to church. 

A white lady in her truck saw me, smiled and waved her hand as she drove her way down the connect road of Greco Road continuing from Patti Road. 

I only hope she like all others the Lord has given me the privilege and opportunity to witness to that she is at least a born again believer of the Lord Jesus Christ and if not that she will turn her heart over to believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God for her Eternal Salvation

Otherwise if she is already a sister in Christ I hope she like all others will TURN TO GOD and FOLLOW HIS WILL FOR OUR LIVES like "going to church" on Sundays. 

At 9:48 I was walking down the "T.C. Myrtle Driveway" leading into the church grounds of "Shekinah Park" at College Town Missionary Baptist Church.

From that point on I realized let's just make NO EXCUSES and do what's required of us TO GOD...

It's not always "easy" and is often hard but it's DOABLE and MUST BE DONE IN THE END FOR ALL OUR BEST INTERESTS. Amen. 

~ Sincerely, 

Bro. Jed

Friday, July 6, 2018

Are You In "God's Army"?

Hello all...

It's been a while. Been a while...

Two days ago I was out with family doing some "4th of July" barbecue feast grocery shopping and I wore my GOD'S ARMY black cap on my head as we went into Walmart, Dollar Tree, Winn-Dixie, Dirt Cheap and The Home Depot all here in Hammond, Louisiana.

As I wore my "Christian-themed black cap" on my head many people gave me a "second look" through the public "social veil" they wear on their faces when putting on a "good face" in public like we all do.

However, since I'm a strong, young Christian black man endued with the Holy Spirit of God and know His Ways and His Word I know how to carry myself as a man as God intends so a lot of people; especially REBELLIOUS WOMEN don't like that. And that's a PROBLEM because I do my best to be a GOOD STRONG MAN who knows what God expects of me and in good courtesy I would like to think GOOD women not "trashy" would appreciate the goods a GOOD MAN OF GOD brings to the table in society in terms of leadership, protection, provision and VISION.

As much as Western women in the world love to wickedly COMPLAIN about the "lack of good men" in society I truly doubt they even try to recognize and FAIL TO APPRECIATE the few actual real GOOD MEN in society when they are around... Because from what I've seen in my personal experience most Western women are "stuck-up", self-centered GODLESS, HEATHEN rebellious, disobedient JEZEBELS who are so "uppity" and ARROGANT in their truly ignorant ignorance about how life actually works and the way GOD intends the relations between men and women on earth!

Yeah, nobody is "perfect" (like you) but don't "beat down" and "disrespect" the few GOOD MEN around that are actually keeping society "still going" from imploding on itself because God will judge a GODLESS, HEATHEN WICKED NATION that America has become!

Hey, the MAJORITY of young  Black American men in America and Western Society already have a bad rap and STIGMA about them so as a young black man in society a lot of people don't really "respect" or "take me seriously" in public as they should in MY CASE. They especially should and if they won't they will suffer the "downfall" as a result...

That's what really bothers, upsets and angers me deep down: I'm not at all like those "thug niggoz" people like to stereotype most Black American men as; and the thing is as much as I try to put forth a "good example and role model" for how young Black American men should behave and conduct themselves to the best of MY INDIVIDUAL POSITION I'll always be "denigrated" and "disrespected" by many people because it never helps that many of young black men in America my peers are just giving ALL black men a "bad name" by their stupid ignorant actions and behaviours we see in society and the TV news!

I wish I could say "it doesn't matter" but IT DOES MATTER because the actions a wicked group of black men does looks bad on ALL BLACK MEN ON A WHOLE in society's eyes. And the thing is society is RIGHT! It makes ME LOOK BAD when I've done nothing wrong at all and that's what hurts.

But like I've learned in life about the "good 'n evil" there is always a REMNANT of "the good" left over from the filth. I apply that to all areas and peoples of life.

I only hope and pray many people in society can have the wisdom of discernment to tell the "good black men" from the "bad black men".

Which leads me to the "sistahs" AKA the "Black American Women"...

Now a lot of Black American women have truly horrible BAD ATTITUDES and NASTY PERSONALITIES that many people don't want to deal with or be around; like me for instance.

Now this is a "deep-seeded issue" because a lot of these BITTER, ANGRY, "MAD BLACK WOMEN" are JADED deep-down because some "niggot" in their lives either knocked them up with a buttload of kids or did them wrong any kind of way.

I never turn a "blind eye" to the wicked actions of many Black American Men who do Black American Women WRONG and in turn the black women become all BITTER, MEAN, ANGRY and NEGATIVE all the time towards ALL BLACK MEN as a result!

One bad apple spoils the bunch.

It's like I'm just "walking into the store" and the "collective mean stares" of bitter, angry, negative Black American Women just "zone in" on me out of either "hatred", "angst", "resentment" or "retaliation" like I "did them wrong" when I never ever even met or KNOW these women in the first place lol Smh... And they just want to HATE ON ME FOR NO GOOD REASON!

Like, what the heck?!

Grow the "f" up as the world says...

I didn't "knock you up" with your out-of-wedlock bastard kids who keep looking at me like "I'm their daddy" 'cause they don't got no real live MAN INFLUENCE in their "female-dominated" spiritually-dead households!

You need to go take your MISPLACED ANGER where it belongs: at THE MAN who did you wrong; not on the whole world of Black American men, okay? It's just STUPID. It makes you look PATHETIC, okay.

As world says, "deal with your s-h-I-t. Deal with your s-h-I-t". I didn't make it. You and/or that "niggot" you hate so much you use me as a "scapecoat" to hate on all men but the ones who directly did you wrong. You do wrong to "hate on people" who you don't even know and frankly wouldn't even want to know you by how you just live such a pathetic life of hatred, negativity and IGNORANCE.

Because Bro. Jed Mask don't surround himself with lame, NEGATIVE, hateful MISERABLE people who "put their problems" on other people instead of "dealing with their own s-h-I-t".

Everybody says "man up". Well, okay; how about WOMAN UP as well then, huh?

Works both ways.

"Equality" too much, eh? Yeah, it don't work that way...

Anyways, as a strong young black man full of the Holy Spirit of God I walked in and shopped with my family LEADING FROM THE FRONT doing my best to behave the PROPER WAY men should and I tell you many, godless REBELLIOUS heathen females don't like the LEADERSHIP and AUTHORITY of being in natural submission to a man the way GOD INTENDED. READ THE BIBLE if you "think" I'm making "bullcrap". Many people won't even read a Scripture verse before they try to lamely "disprove" a point I make when they "got issue with it" or "me" ultimately.

Anyways, I'm cool, calm and collected just trying to have a good time out with my family and enjoy some family time this 4th of July holiday.

A lot of the black women I saw in the stores I mentioned earlier either were "put in check" to realize that yes there does exist some "good black men" out there that are CHRISTIAN and responsible and are good citizens. They do exist.

Now the FLIP SIDE of that is that when black women actually do come in contact with good Christian black men many of these same black women depending on whether or not they are "believers" are "unbelievers" are still in a personal state of REBELLION and DISOBEDIENCE because they are too "prideful" as "strong, independent I-don't-need-no-man nonsense" BAD ATTITUDE that they think it's WEAK and SHAMEFUL for a "black woman" to SUBMIT to a "black man" because they think it's a "low social status move of weakness.

Black women must learn how to LET GO of their emotional turmoil from about other people and learn how to TREAT THE GOOD BLACK MEN RIGHT when they come across or into their lives: because if you don't and GENIUENLY then some other women will and they will be "taken" FOR GOOD. That's how life works.

Let me tell you the REAL TRUTH: the REAL LOW STATUS MOVE OF WEAKNESS is MAD BLACK WOMEN'S SHAMEFUL REFUSAL to SUBMIT TO BLACK MEN! That's the true "weakness" whether you like or accept it or not.

Also, when I was working at Ashley Furniture HomeStore in Ponchatoula, Louisiana I knew a group of four black women who drove in a truck to the back dock to pick up their furniture merchandise and they had NO MEN around who could of helped them load up the furniture piece in the back of the truck.

Needless to say I saw what was coming and TOOK INITIATIVE as the only black man around who saw what was happening and to keep things running smoothly for all the guys working in the warehouse: I went over and "communicated" with these black women and got them set up and told them their load was coming in a while so they could just "take it easy" and wait a while. And I went back to my work to finish something up real quick.

I kept "making glances" over at the group of black women talking to each other and one or two would notice me looking back at them but with "unfriendly" "what you lookin' at? bad attitude kind-of-looks" and I was only looking at them in a "casual glance" just keeping track of when the guys with the furniture showed up so I could help them load upthe truck.

Every time I'm around most black women it's like I have to "keep my guard up" because they always have some kind of "anger, resentment and bitterness" against me as a black man even when I'm doing my best to be kind, polite and respectful to them I always get "rubbed the wrong way" by them.

So my co-workers, two older white men show up to help load the sofa for these women as I the only "black man" around officiated the social dynamics of helping an all-black female group out with the "heavy-lifting".

When all was said and done one of my white man co-workers said "Ok, that there is loaded in good. You don't even need to strap it. Do y'all have help to unload it at home...?" and I don't think any of my two white men co-workers I was working with wanted to be bothered doing business further with these black women because we all knew the answer (and as white men they weren't likely going to say it to my face right there in public but probably think and say it to themselves in private): these bad attitude, loud and rebellious black women "rogue females" are most likely a "pain in the behind" to live with on a daily basis which is why no "black man" or "any man in general" is around in their lives to help them because they don't and aren't going to put up with the bad attitudes and personal crap. I know I wouldn't. I don't.

My fellow white men co-workers even "subtly acknowledged" me saying "thank you" in quite whispers to me for helping them out with dealing with a group of black females in the situation to which I said "Oh yeah..." and nothing further everything being "understood" on the "subconscious level".

Was glad when they finally left after I helped loading up. I don't need that negative, "dysfunctional energy" in my daily life. Nor do I want it. I'd rather be ALONE.

As a CHRISTIAN I am COMMANDED to LOVE ALL PEOPLE but that doesn't mean I have to always "live around" them or "be around" them in daily life. Just love and "get along" and if can't "get along" or "communicate" I continue to "keep distance to self " and stay to my own personal business is how I roll.

But the real "silver lining" in the end was when the ELDER black woman of the group, most likely the mama, grandma, aunt, great aunt or somebody looked at the older white men and thanked them for their service but then looked to me with a "repentant humble smile" of appreciation having realized as the only black man around to help them I "dealt with them" enough and actually helped them out when I could have EASILY avoided dealing with them in the first place if I so wanted. Nobody would of known or really cared but God if I only took Him to account on that.

The "oldest woman" AKA the "elder grandma-like figure" of the bunch seemed to acknowledge my "goodwill" in the end towards them and did tell me a kind "Thank you" which I'll say makes up for the awful "behaviour" of the group. 

It always comes down to the oldest the ELDER knowing what's really right to do in the end... Good deal.

I just nodded my head "Yes" and said "Thanks, hope y'all have a good evening" and as soon as they walked to get back into the truck I was walking my own way back to work to get out of their sight and be out of sight from anyone else at that moment.

I can only say I hope that group of four black women were able to unload that heavy furniture sofa piece together or they got help because as soon as they left if all they were gonna have towards me was NEGATIVE, "unfriendly" UGLY "mean-looking" faces at the man who made sure they got help; I was glad them left.

I'll be willing to "help people" but just don't expect my "social company" in your lives if I'm only disrespected and HATED: I'd rather be alone than waste my time with haters and LOSERS.

I'll make it short because I hate rambling even though I like writing: no GOOD BLACK MAN will stress himself to death to try to "live with" a STUBBORN, HARDHEADED, HATEFUL, BAD ATTIDUDE, NASTY MAD BLACK WOMAN who DOESN'T KNOW HER PLACE and HER ROLE in Black American Society and society at large.

Let these words sink deep in your ears for YOUR OWN SAKE; not "mine": KNOW YOUR ROLE and KNOW. YOUR. PLACE!

Whether you "like it" or "not". Amen.

Also, many women of other races besides just the black women I've focused on gave me similar "looks" of "Oh gosh, he must be some kind of religious, extremist, oppressive woman ruler Christian guy" or some ignorant nonsense they don't really understand.

Whatever the "looks" I got from females in public I perceive in my GUT INSTINCTS it wasn't all "pretty".

If I didn't "come-out-of-the-closet" as a Christian wearing my Christian cap in secular heathenistic public declaring my "stance" on life and just acted like a "regular" worldly, thuggish or "gangsta rap niggot" pop culture image of young Western Black American men a lot of these same woman's mean-looking, or "resentful, angsty, pouty-looking" grimaces on their faces would be turned to flirtatious smiles of lust and intrigue: a "catch 22" experience...

I know how to be that "thug gangsta black Chad" AKA the "Tyrone" worldly women want. But...

I'm not gonna "stoop down" to some low class, low level, heathen man with no moral standards and principals for living life: go find some "accommodating" godless loser so you can both live lame, wicked lives of heathendom together who will "go along" with your crazy ways because NO GOOD REAL MAN WILL CONTINUE TO TOLERATE AND PUT UP WITH UNWARRANTED BAD BEHAVIOUR FROM FEMALES! Not forever! He'll LEAVE eventually or "distance himself" to the point you "get the message" and "understand" he doesn't want to "be with you" or "around you" because you are such a pathetic, lame, miserable negative person who poisons the social atmosphere of an otherwise good day. Yeah, no STRONG "good man" will stick around forever. A WEAK "good man" might, but even he might be "pushed too far" and do something that would harm or kill you in retaliation for his relational abuse. You see the news on TV enough to "get this picture"...

Many times people CAUSE THEIR OWN HURT, PAIN, DESTRUCTION AND DEATH in the end. It's not "other people's fault"; it's YOUR FAULT and until YOU TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for YOUR ACTIONS and YOUR CHOICES in YOUR LIFE you'll always be MISERABLE & ALONE blaming other people like the LOSER YOU CHOSE TO BE. That's how life works: YOU MAKE YOUR CHOICES and whether you like it or not YOU LIVE WITH THEM.

Just look at me for example: I could be your typical, stereotypical black "niggot" thug most people think young black men are because unfortunately most young black men in Western society are NOT "good role models" on being a "good man and citizen" in Western Society but EXCEPTIONS like MYSELF always exist! It's like that for EVERYONE. But black men in America and society at large are perceived as violent dangerous threats to society because many black men unfortunately continue to want to "fit that category".

I'm wise enough to take people at a "case-by-case" basis even though I may have my "preconceived thoughts" of what kind of person they are even though I haven't really gotten to know them.

We all JUDGE in life. It's part of human SIN nature; but it's not the defining marker of who we are as people: it's how WE CHOOSE TO SEE AND TREAT OTHER PEOPLE that SEPARATES the "good from the bad" the "class from the trash" and we're seeing it ever more so as this world goes further into turmoil and chaos before the Rapture of the Church and the Rise of Power of the Antichrist.

Also, the "men" I meant in public either gave my looks and/or gestures of "respect" and/or "understanding" whether they agreed with the "beliefs" I hold as a Christian or not a lot of guys seemed to at least "respect my choice of values" in life; because MEN in the "instinctual sense" seem to "universally-recognize" we "choose our own path".

Yet many men are unsaved, godless heathens in American society today unfortunately... It's a shame. A real shame...

Anyways I remember passing by a group of mostly young adult black people around my peer age group of early twenties and so forth: it's a mixed group of guys and girls talking to each other. I pass by walking smooth in my cool strong stride and they catch a "look" at my black Christian hat titled "God's Army" and instinctually from what I saw on their faces and body language they got the message I must be a real "serious Bible believer or "bible thumper" many unsaved worldly people like to "typecast" Christians as.

Anyways, not try trying to "poke fun" but they got all their color-dyed hair and liberal cultured modern pop culture clothing style images going and to me from a "biblical lens" they looked like "modern-day Sodom & Gomorrah" in my honest personal opinion lol. Smh... With all these nose, tongue piercings, crazy tattoos and wacky color-dyed hairstyles lookin' like MODERN-DAY SAVAGES lol. But I'm just sayin'...

Yeah, those "black women" of the group got "awfully close back to their male counterparts of shared "heathen living cultural lifestyle values" because at this point in my life if I PERSONALLY was to "get serious" about marrying a woman as wife she would have to be a VIRGIN and a CHRISTIAN like me: EQUALLY YOKED IN SPIRIT AND GOD-WILLED PURPOSE.

It's on purpose.

I can't "take a chance" and marry some "rebellious she-devil woman just 'cause she "look fine" or some other young, dumb youthful nonsense reasons I used to have when I was a "kid" growing up to being a MAN. Those days are over... I don't want to "backtrack" into ignorance and stupidity.

I don't go to clubs, hang out at bars and no "nightlife" nonsense. I only go to work and church. Work and church and stay around family. That's it and that's all I want if I'm not actively doing Christian ministry work led by the Holy Spirit.

ALL MY TIME must be DEVOTED to GOD and HIS WILL because SO MANY CHRISTIANS just DO NOT CARE about DOING ANYTHING FOR GOD ANYMORE: they won't even go to "church" in respect TO GOD regardless of the "social church politics" that go on that I hate as well but I don't really go to church for the "people" per se' but just to hear the preacher or pastor PREACH the WORD OF GOD.

Many people in church will only "screw you around", gossip, stab you in the back and try to USE YOU if you have your guard down and let them.

I don't have time for that "circus" of foolishness: I do church  "better" all by myself in my own walk with the Lord and in this online Christian ministry I do here on the internet than to fool with that mess.

I really don't get much from "church attendance" other than the fellowship with live human-beings who I hope are also truly Holy Ghost "born again believers" as myself but I mostly go there to be a "personal witness example" of what a more "committed Christian" looks like IN ACTION. That's me. I ain't perfect but I DO MY BEST. That right there eliminates many lukewarm, uncommitted, worldly, carnal Christians we see today: NO VISION, PURPOSE and NO POWER OF TRUTH in their personal daily lives.

I don't know about you but I want to be EXCEPTIONAL; the one out of the "usual" who did his best to take a STAND FOR GOD and did not let haters and "naysayers" hold me back from stepping into all I can do FOR GOD and HIS GLORY.

It's SCARY to be EXTRAORDINARY. It's "expected" to be ORDINARY.

Well I'm not an "ordinary person". My life was never "fated" that way it seems. So I'll go ALL OUT and be EXTRAORDINARY and let people say whatever good or bad they'll say about me because people will ALWAYS TALK ABOUT YOU NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO.

I just won't let nobody sabotage me for BEING MY BEST FOR GOD BY HIS GRACE.

May you ENLIST in GOD'S ARMY my brethren in Christ!

KJV 2 Timothy 2:3-4,

3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.



~ Sincerely,

Bro. Jed

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Staying Faithful Unto THE END...

It's been quite a while since I've posted back here on the ole "blog"...

Well, life's been busy and so has the Ministry.

From where I last left off I finally had to "leave a church" I had dedicated myself to supporting anyway I thought I could help but it was time to move on after I perceived the "comfortable status quo" of the church didn't want any "outside inertia".

Wherever I go "good" or "bad" but mostly "good" I make an IMPACT for Christ.

Today I was led of the Lord to go street-preaching walking on up Kohnke Hill Road from around 9:20a.m. on my way to church.

I walked on my left side of the roadside with vehicles approaching me facing forward.

It was a very quiet morning for the most part: most people were inside or I saw people's cars and trucks parked outside or in their garages.

When I walked to a "Stop" sign with my bible in hand I saw a white father and his daughter driving up to the "Stop sign" on the other side of the road when I was "prepared" to meet them and held up my bible to the man and did my best to make "personal eye contact" with him even as I noticed he had his black sunshades on.

He saw me and gave a "friendly" "I know..." smile and "wave hello" with his hand as he drove on his way with his daughter in tow.

I get it; nothing further... So long as people know there is a *GOD* they ultimately need to TURN TO.

A lot of black women driving by in their cars and trucks be "noticin'" me but I "wonder" why they be in such a rush to go somewhere on Sunday mornings instead of *GOING TO CHURCH*?!

And then they have nerve to be "looking all crazy" at me street-preaching and witnessing with a Bible in my hands when they want even seek after God and go to church themselves... They need to CHANGE. Smh...

As ARROGANT and PRIDEFUL this may sound... at this point in my life thus far NOBOBY can tell me NOTHING we they themselves don't care and do even want to care about "following after God" and "going to church". Period. It's sad to say but it's the truth...

I'm not so "disappointed" with unsaved unbelievers but *CHRISTIANS* people who KNOW GOD and ARE SAVED are NOT OBEYING AND SERVING GOD LIKE THEY SHOULD!

It's alright to have your lil' "internet faith" in it's own time but WHY are the churches empty y'all?!

I get it's mostly a bunch of "old people" resorting in churches these days AKA "the elders"; but "church problems" and all is still *NO EXCUSE* for Christians not to be attending the House of God. Period.

In fact, the church I've been going to since last month is just a handful of elderly brethren and me being the "young'un" of the bunch at the ripe, young age of 24. It's literally UNDER 10 of us in weekly church attendance...

Now there are "problems" and "dysfunctional problems" going on that need to be addressed by the church leadership but I go to this church I'm going to because the current elderly pastor at least truly PREACHES THE WORD OF GOD according to the BIBLICAL DOCTRINE OF CHRIST.

As long as the Word of God is correctly and properly taught even I can "tolerate" anything less than "ideal"...

Even so, I've found 2018 to be the "Year of The Shift" in society and the church.

Okay, but getting back on track to the "street-witnessing" I kept on walking up Kohnke Hill Road still "gesturing friendly understanding" body language hand signs with my bible to people I encounter passing me by.

One older black man in his truck who was about to "pass me up" suddenly "stopped" and backed up to ask me if I needed a ride somewhere to which I replied "Oh no. Thanks for the consideration but I'm almost there to church. May you have a 'blessed day'..." and he just as soon put back in gear to "drive off" forward going his way.

Well, I woulda went further but I don't "impose" myself on people who don't want to hear anything about God, Jesus or the Bible against their will in their "personal time" but if they be out in "public" and the Lord bids me to street-preach they can either see or look away: I'm preaching and witnessing the Word of God regardless. Amen!

So by the time I go to church and stopped street-preaching was by 9:35a.m.

The church I've been attending lately is called "College Town Missionary Baptist Church" here in Hammond, Louisiana.

Today we had a guest pastor from Antioch Missionary Baptist Church in Bogalusa, Louisiana to preach for us today. "Bro. J" I'll call him...

Anyways, so he preached and overall it was good message and theme on "staying faithful to God's Word" when so many people; "Christians" I'm talking about mostly have "fallen away from going to church or doing much of anything of real service to God" in their lives.

It's A LOT of people out there, really.

After church we had a nice lil' "luncheon" prepared from our church home pastor elder "Bro. R" I'll call him. And it was a neat little time before we got ready to go home for the day...

So a lot's been going on but regardless of what happens in my personal life and circumstances I'm doing my best by the Spirit of God to STAY FAITHFUL UNTO THE END.

There's SO MUCH I want to do but haven't yet in the Ministry. It's all on *GOD'S TIMING* and *HIS WILL* really if it'll all happen.

In fact it's been on my heart to at least PLANT AND FOUND A CHURCH whether I be "pastor" of a church or not; I'm working towards at least being about to PLANT and FOUND a CHURCH by the GRACE OF GOD under my leadership to ensure "adaptation to The Times" that be.

I don't "compromise" God's Word for any reasons and I'm not about "appealing to the flesh" but to the Spirit.

But even so, as the elder generations "pass on" for those of my "Millennial generation" alive and living in these End Times; it's ultimately up to US to ensure the "future generations of people" coming up after us; such as "kids" these days grow up to know about GOD, the WORD OF GOD and the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Amen.

Now, just "tossing out thoughts here" I'm a bit "scatter-brained" as I type this post but I'll be "developing on these thoughts" going forward into the future, Lord-willing.



~ Sincerely,

Bro. Jed

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

My "Dirty Little Secret"...

Hello all...

A lot's on my chest lately.

I don't "talk to people what's on my mind" because I don't see the point if no one would help me: only GOD is my "Real Help" if you get what I mean.

Therefore I'm gonna try to keep this "short 'n brief" but not really lol.

Since a few years ago really starting in 2013 the Lord Jesus Christ by His Holy Spirit began to use my in street-preaching ministry since then to this point.

I've learned and grown ever since "maturing" as a born again believer. Now at "this point":

Church attendance.

I have many "dirty little secrets" but I like to think this is an "open one": as a "street preacher".

Regardless of what my family, friends and even "fellow Christians" may disagree with it; this work is of the Lord: I'm not just "doing this for show" for people to have that woefully *WRONG* impression of me.

That's not why I'm doing it "for attention" lol. Like I can't get "attention" a myriad of other ways.

Besides, like I "crave other people's attention"?!

If anything I *CRAVE THEIR MONEY* and things they got I don't have. Could "care less" for their "attention" if it ain't "benefiting me". That's my lil' "covetous sin" right there lol. But my *PRIDE SIN* doesn't take satisfaction in something I can't claim completely MY OWN so that's why I don't "take things from other people" that's not mine in the first place. I want MY OWN STUFF fair 'n square in life.

That said, my "dirty little secret" I'll reveal in this post is: what people really think of me but too *COWARDLY* to *ADMIT TO MY FACE*!

I don't "care" what people think of me since it's already in disguised deflected self-contempt anyways.

Here's the deal: a lot of "Christians" my "brethren" don't "approve" of my "going soulwinning and street-preaching" because they don't want me to "give the wrong impression" to the world as a "lunatic religious nutcase 'Christian' the world already labels Christians anyways but these "lukewarm Christians my brethren" take offense because they WRONGLY think I'm uh... "too extreme" holding up a Bible in my hands out on the roadsides in the public.

Lord Knows, it sounds even SELF-RIGHTEOUS for me to say it but I'm sure there's some truth to it: that if it wasn't for God using me to witness His Word to people on the streets; most these people my lukewarm brethren in the Church House "pretend like" they want to invite more people into Church "fulfilling the Great Commission"; wouldn't even have more people even "interested" or "thoughtful" of "going to church" IF IT WASN'T FOR ME IN THE FIRST PLACE!

I can almost bet "it was because of ME street-preaching" some churches *INDIRECTLY* got more church membership! THAT'S RIGHT! Because of what I'M DOING OUT here; not that sorry, sad "DEAD CHURCH" where it's so "tribal" that the only people who feel like they really belong are the "regulars" who've attended that church for a long time. That's why nobody NEW is "showing up" to church anyways... Just "regular members". NO GROWTH! Just DEAD!

It shouldn't really be that way in the CHURCH OF GOD: anybody who steps foot in a Christian Church should be able to "walk in" and feel "invited" as though they've always been there their whole lives to begin with.

I'm not sorry to say that's how I've been "treated lately" in my church attendance.

I hear all this "talk" about "faith and living for God" but as the "heathen saying goes" when the "poop hits the fan" only a FEW can really WALK THAT WALK OF FAITH and MEAN IT...

Everyone else blurts out "false promises".

I can tell when people "don't want my presence". It's obvious. I only "act" like I don't know; but I always do.

So here's the deal; I'm not really "bothering you" to begin with but the reason you get "uneasy" and "nervous" around me as a "true minister" of the "True Word of God" and the "True Gospel of God" is because "deep down" you know you are a *FAKE, FALSE "COUNTERFEIT"* who can but does not want to "repent" and "change your ways" to truly "follow after *GOD'S STYLE*!"

You do things the easy "worldly, people-pleasing way" instead of the REAL HARD WAY of being a *GOD-PLEASER* and NOT a "manpleaser".

You preach wicked "NIV" and I preach God's Inspired and PRESERVED WORD in the KJV!

You preach only "indoors" among the flock; I preach INDOORS AND ESPECIALLY OUT FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO SEE AND HEAR!

"'Cause if there's one thing I've learned about people it's this: you can't please people all of the time and neither should you. A Christian should *ALWAYS PLEASE GOD FIRST OF ANYTHING OR ANYBODY ELSE* because ONLY GOD CAN MAKE AND BREAK YOU!

It is *SCARY* at times but I've learned *I'M WEAK* and so are *ALL PEOPLE*: Only *GOD* is the *STRONG ONE* Who can't be "defeated".

As long as I'm on *GOD'S SIDE* the whole world can be *AGAINST ME* yet me and *GOD* will *ALWAYS WIN TOGETHER* suckers! :P

If I'm just on "Jed's side" it's only a matter of time until I be "defeated"... But I can't lose on *GOD'S SIDE*!

Many Christians need to truly jump on Ship of *GOD'S SIDE* in their lives and *NOT THE WORLD'S SIDE*.

Now I'm not "attacking" or "demeaning" my brethren especially in church leadership out of "petty personal spite": I'm *BRINGING THE BEST OUT OF YOU*.

God will "tell you what you need to do" as He always does but sometimes a person needs to hear a person in the real world flesh to really "speak" what God tells you "privately at home" with no one to confront or call you out on your HYPOCRISY.

I'm not "perfect" myself but I WANT TO BE PERFECT: I already know" I'm imperfect but I want to be a WILLING MIND TO IMPROVE AND DO BETTER and not make "excuses" for my own personal shortcomings and failures to "mask my real problems and issues".


Because that's what I'd what somebody to do for me.

Now, I'll always be "friends" and "kindly" to people who don't want to go AS DEEP AS I WANT TO GO in the Faith of Christ but just 'cause you get "uncomfortable" in my Spirit-led growth and self-evident "display" of my witness in Christ you take "offense" because you want a "comfortable, painless Christian Life experience" where God won't "take you out of your comfort zone and will afflict you with trials and tests in your life to be a testimony to people in your life for God's Glory.

I know this because I've tried to "avoid" the "painful tests of God" in my life and try to "skip over the hard stuff" but you will always be a "babe in Christ" if you don't learn how to chew on some MEAT eventually...

Life is HARD because life is meant to TEST YOU for GOD'S GLORY!

So what I'm saying is, if you are a fellow Christian, brother or sister in Christ who is "offended at me personally" for my street-preaching ministry I go far to dare say you are *OFFENDED AT GOD* because I "street-preach" solely by the *SPIRIT OF GOD*!

You'd be offended at JESUS out in the public "preaching the Word" and wouldn't think of it like that.

Just me "waving a Bible" doesn't "affect people" by itself without the WORKING OF HOLY SPIRIT!


Hot or NOT but "lukewarm" is NOT AN OPTION IN GOD'S EYES!

If you don't want me around in your "church" "thanks for the lame love" which didn't mean nothing anyway.

I have a heart of *STEEL*. People's "lame opinions" about me don't matter because it's not built on "substance"; but mere cowardly *CONTEMPT*.

I respect my enemies that are gutsy enough  to SAY TO MY FACE they "hate me" but I don't respect my "cowardly enemy types" that plot to "stab me behind my back" than "confront me head-on 'cause they know they'll most likely LOSE anyways lol...

If you "hate me" and you're a Christian you know that's a "sin" lol. Just as it's a SIN for me to "hate" anyone.

I don't know about "you" but as FOR ME and MY HOUSE, we will SERVE THE LORD and not "Belial" or the Devil, SATAN himself!

What fellowship has "Light" with "darkness"? What "concord" hath Christ with "Belial"?

As long as there are a few "bright" soulwinning, King James Bible-believing Christians on earth before the Rapture there will ALWAYS be constant FRICTION between the works of Good vs. Evil. And GOOD shall PREVAIL and *EVIL* shall *FAIL*!

I won't quit "being my best" as a Christian led of the Spirit just 'cause it makes other believers "uncomfortable", "resentful" and "guilty" for being "lazy deadbeats" in the Cause of Christ.

In fact, just because I know it "angers you" makes me want to DO IT THE MORE!

Like pop star rapper Ms. "Nicki Minaj" once said, "My haters be my greatest motivators!"

Even if not just for "God" I live just to ANGER and UPSET my BIGGEST HATERS out there lol.


I don't want to give you ANY "satisfaction".

WIN AND DIE is my life motto not "win" or "die" I WIN TO DIE to this world and LIVE FOR THE ONE TO COME!

Therefore, I'll CUT OFF all "ties" that don't want to be tied: I'll leave when it's time and MOVE ON.

I'll always be willing to be friends so long as YOU BE WILLING TO WANT ME TO BE YOUR FRIEND that is.

That said, "no Love lost".

Whenever you "serious" about serving God it's easy for you and I to be in touch.

Until then, I can't afford to "waste time" with people who aren't serious for the "Things of God" by GOD'S WAY that is...


It's a continual lesson I'll forever be learning...


I'm about "adding to people's lives" and not "subtracting". Otherwise I wouldn't care to "bother". I can 'do bad all by myself'.

I have MANY brethren and people out there who would love my help, presence and encouragement (and would "appreciate it"): it's a disservice for them to "commit" to people who don't really care for me to be around in the first place. Though I'm sure not "everyone" feels the same but even so I feel God "leading me elsewhere" to do His Will...

In this world I'mma *COLD-BLOODED KILLER FOR CHRIST'S SAKE* but I "wrestle not against "physical flesh 'n blood" but against the "hidden spiritual powers of darkness and SIN".

As a Spirit-led born again Christian I must *KILL SIN* everywhere I encounter it in me and in life by the Spirit of God and the Word of God.

May you wage a good "warfare" fellow good soldier of Christ.


~ Sincerely,

Bro. Jed

Monday, April 9, 2018

"Cold Reception..."

So... here's the story for "yesterday"...

Sunday morning I was led of the Lord to start "witnessing the Word" to people traveling up and down Patti Road walking in my usual routine to church by around 9:20a.m.

It was a cold, chilly cool morning blue-gray sky kind of day.

Had to wear a good warm black jacket to help my body get quickly acclimated to the cold; which went by pretty quick surprisingly...

Anyways, I'm walking on down Patti Road and just "taking me time" in transition pointing the Bible I held with my hands to people who drove by in their cars and trucks.

As usual I get a lot of "thumbs up" or people "throwing up their hands" in frustration like "they're just tired of seeing me out here waving the Bible" lol.

Well I'm "tired" of y'all to. Y'all the reason a lot of things remain "messed up" as they: because NOBODY'S CHANGING!

Just "me" and few other believers out doing God's Work ain't gonna cut it for the "whole community" let alone the WHOLE STATE, WHOLE COUNTRY or WHOLE NATION for that matter: it takes a MAJORITY OF SPIRIT-FILLED BELIEVERS OF TRUE FAITH AND LIVING to turn a whole nation into REVIVAL!

Yeah, I "relate" to your same frustration because I actually have to try to "go out" and witness to your " sorry behinds" to say it "politely" cuz truth be told it's not always a "pleasant experience" having to deal with some of you people and I'd be lying if I say it was. I'm human too. I get fed up too... We ALL have "a point".

Many of you give "cold shoulders"... ICY! Just straight-up HATE God and by extension HATE ME because I'm reppin' HIS MESSAGE! You just can't STAND to have someone REMIND YOU in your life that their is an Almighty GOD of all Creation you must ultimately be accountable too.

I have to be accountable to God BOTH for my good and evil actions just like everyone else: NO ONE CAN ESCAPE GOD!

I'm tired of y'all just not REPENTING! Just GET RIGHT WITH GOD and you'll make ALL OUR LIVES BETTER just THAT QUICK! Like SERIOUSLY!

And you "wonder" what's wrong with America? It's YOU! YOU! YOU! YOU!


It's because of unsaved HEATHENS rampant sinning that's CONDEMNED AMERICA into the horrible shape it's in.

The American Church definitely takes a great deal of worthy blame but it's because of the OVERALLY ANTICHRIST AMERICAN SOCIETY that will bring GOD'S JUDGMENT UPON AMERICA SOONER OR LATER from here!

Just NO REVERENCE, FEAR or RESPECT FOR GOD in any nook or cranny in America!

The Church is even a DEN OF SECRET SIN!

And hey, it's not like I'm out here EVERY DAY doing this thing lol. I would get tired of this too at a point. I have a life. Got things to do just like you. Smh... These people are RIDICULOUS!

I have to "accept" your LAME "sinful ways", homosexuality, man-bashing and everything in society literally ANTI-CHRISTIAN and ANTICHRIST! but as a "Christian" they'd just expect me to "roll over" and just "be okay with it"?

Hmmm... Maybe some EFFEMINATE henpecked cucked man boy worldly churchian but NOT soulwinning, fiery *HOT!* street-preachin' JED MASK!

Smh with "society" these days! You can't even simply and kindly say "God bless you!" without people TAKING OFFENSE that you MENTIONED THAT NAME; but EVERYONE accepts when you just say "Bless you!" LEAVING OUT GOD'S NAME in the process!

I really HATE that!

Day-by-day I have to always listen to your "worldly chatter" and pretend to be "okay with it" when I'm really not, but time I say something about GOD or JESUS everybody FREAKS OUT and gets all cold, mean and angry... Smh...

The pure HYPOCRISY just really gets to me sometimes...

Please don't get me wrong: I'm not "hating" on anyone. Not "homosexuals" or any "group of sinners" as I'm a "sinner" myself.

I'm just saying we need to TURN TO GOD and ACKNOWLEDGE OUR SIN TO HIM before He will actually HELP US.

That's not the answer people... We know it... We must DO IT and NOT keep "putting it off"!

Many people just want to "use me" in my life for their own personal gains and I always "play it cool" but they want to "mold and shape" me into a "worldly persona" for their own ends without taking heed to Who I stand for: it's GOD they really need. Not "me".

Go find some other "loser" for your "easy targets": it's clear you can't handle the BIG BOYS fools! lol Get real!


I respect yours YOU RESPECT MINE! Amen!

And yes, even though I don't "communicate" my every thought and intention on here or in person let's just say I've been "doing this enough" and had enough experience with people to know when it's "too much" and will "drive away people" from the Message: I see it from their perspective as unbelievers that they'd get tired and angry at seeing some "crazy religious black dude" out on the streets holding a Bible up. I'd get tired and annoyed of that too if I was an unbeliever like them.

They'd probably be thinking I'm "high on some stuff" or that something's "not right in the head" like I'm "mental" or something lol when in REALITY I have more sanity and competency that most my so-called "judgmental unbelieving critics" out there... Oh yeah... Y'all the REAL NUTS! Tch... Truth be told.

It's like just on Sunday when I'm going to or leaving church when I feel that "urgency" and "prompting" from the Holy Spirit to "engage" and "go street-preaching".

Believe me; I don't really even want to be "bothered" with these people on some days and just want to "walk like I'm anonymous 'round town" but now it's like I got some kind of "infamous identity" 'round time where everybody "notices" it's me when I'm walking on the streets.

Sometimes they truly PISS ME OFF! lol They can really be AGGRAVATING and ANNOYING. Especially my "taunters" who either try to "flip me off" or do something other rude 'n crude gestures (many of which I'm sure they do behind my back like the real life COWARDS they really are! lol).

But I'm at that point where I "expect it" as part of the "persecution factor" for "putting myself out their in the public" for positive and negative reactions to occur it's what happens.

Can't say I don't not "like the attention" at times; but in the back of my mind and I'm sure in "theirs" as well at times we both know it's really not "about me": it's about JESUS!

I'm really not "all that". I don't got nothing so "special" going on right now: everything is about JESUS! JESUS CHRIST!

They know they need to REPENT and turn from their sorry WICKED WAYS but they just LOVE THE WORLD SO MUCH they can't stand the thought of having to "leave it all behind" and live a "truly committed life to Christ" once they get saved that is lol. Too "restricting" for their tastes.

They want the "best of both worlds": to be "blessed by God" but then feel FREE to fornicate and "live in the world" doing all their precious favorite sins... We all do.

I say that not to sound "self-righteous" but because I've been there... Not the "fornication part" that the Lord saved me from plus real life experience "precautions"; but I've entertained thoughts of wanting to "go back to the world" but look now fast-forward to year 2018 and since late 2012 I've been a "committed Christian" actually "following after God's Will in my life" and gotten such a "reputation" and "unofficial fame" from my street-preaching antics it'd be like "pissing down the drain" for me to "go back to the world" and live out my "worldly image" now...

Just wouldn't be "legit" as a "committed Christian" to "go back" now...

I've "crossed that line" and now am so "invested" in my "Christian walk" that I don't want to "tarnish" that good, wholesome image and reputation going on and doing "sinful stuff" my flesh would love to do...

I got an "investment" in my walk with Christ now. Makes NO SENSE to "go back to the empty world" I came from.

I got JESUS!


SCARES these poor people to DEATH!

But the thing is as I type out all this "sarcastically" in a "jokingly manner" the real truth behind "my words" is it's coming from a concerned, SERIOUS demeanor. I'm not really "being funny" typing lol it's more like "just wished these people had sense to quit playing around and GET SERIOUS about the AFTERLIFE!".

If anyone really knows me in this world they'd know I'm one of the MOST SERIOUS PEOPLE ALIVE!

I don't just "joke" and "kid around" lol. I'm not like that... Never really was.

If I didn't have this CALLING on my life to do what I've been doing soulwinning and street-preaching in various communities and locations in U.S.A. I'd be "doing my own thing" just as they are.

Among the "Christian Church" as it is, "street-preaching" I think seen from the "mainstream perspective" is a hidden little "dirty job secret" nobody in the Church House likes to talk about openly.

Basically "street-preaching" is among the "Christian World" is a "dirty job" (like on Mike Rowe's hit show "Dirty Jobs" which I used to love watching back in the day on Discovery Channel when I was still in grade school growing up) that like any "dirty job" NOBODY wants to do but know it HAS TO BE DONE.

Difference is from me to them is I've come to "acceptance" with God's Will in my life and while I don't always really "like it" or "want it" at some personally "inconveniencing times" in my real personal life I know I'll REGRET NOT DOING WHAT GOD WANTS ME TO DO AT THE END!

That's by far my biggest "motivation" besides getting people saved: the FEAR OF REGRET is my biggest motivator.

I don't want to think and "look back" on "what I should have done" when I SHOULD BE DOING IT RIGHT NOW.

Maybe y'all agree, disagree, relate or not; I'm just speaking of WHERE I'M AT IN MY JOURNEY.

If you a follower of Christ being honest I'm sure you have your own testimonies and "tugging" of God's Will upon your life.

I'm just "one story" of literally MILLIONS out there.

This "lil'" blog is like a "lil'" glimpse into the mind of "Jed Mask", the good, bad and ugly combined.

... Stopped by 9:55a.m. when I made it completely over to church for fellowship just before service to start officially at "10:30a.m." at SEEKERS POINT.

Just before making to church I encountered elder brother S. and his wife sister P. driving by in the white truck on the way to church.

Just noticed them when they "hand-waved" at me in surprise but I caught on just after and "waved back at them" to say I "noticed them back" and I later met them in the parking lot by the church concrete patio entrance.

Don't know what they "really think" of my "street-preaching antics" as they've now seen it for the "second" or "third" time now but I hope to think it's a "positive reaction" but if not I understand if not.

For the record if anyone out there who's been "reading" my blog and actually "meets me" somewhere sometime in real life you're welcome to "ask my questions". I have nothing to hide. There's nothing "devious" or "sinister" going on "behind-the-scenes" if you really have questions you want to ask me.

I won't "bite" lol; least not THAT HARD lol. Just joking (but I don't really "joke" lol :P)

Yeah, I'm very approachable if you can't me in the "good mood" and I'm not "angry", mad or "upset" about something personally. Yep... That's it.

Anyways, for the CHRISTIANS out there... We have to DO BETTER than what we're doing.

You can't "lie" to me: I know TOO MANY LAZY, INDIFFERENT, SORRY BELIEVERS out there from family, friends and people I just "meet" in everyday life who "tell me they're Christians" but by the way I see them live and act... I really couldn't tell the difference if they were believers or heathens. I just don't see... They only have the "name" but not the "life" of the "title".

It's HARD being a CHRISTIAN at times... I FAIL every day in multiple ways but by God's Grace I just KEEP TRYING! I'm not "all that" nor do I ever mean to give that "impression" but the *impression* I want to give readers who've actually followed and read my blog over time is that I STAY DEDICATED AND KEEP STRIVING IN THE FAITH. That's the ULTIMATE TEST in this life: to STAND IN FAITH!

That's what we do: KEEP TRYING!

Don't just "do nothing": DO SOMETHING!


(P.S. After church Pastor M. and the many brethren of the congregation stayed after so we could see some young babes in Christ get water baptized. It was an excellent experience for their real young start of their walk with the Lord. As I get "older" I have even more "responsibility" for those younger than me. To watch after them and guide them in the true ways of the Lord... It won't be easy, but nothing "worthwhile" ever really is... Amen.)

~ Sincerely,

Bro. Jed

A "Slow Walk of Grace"...

This happened on Sunday, March 25, 2018 after church service at SEEKERS POINT.

I was led of the Lord by the Holy Spirit to briefly street-preach from 12:02p.m. to 12:10p.m. walking on the roadside of University Avenue holding up the Bible with my hands to people driving pass me on University Avenue here in Hammond, LA...

So a "brief while later as I was walking smoothly and slowly a middle-aged-looking white man in his fifties or so was standing by a storm drain on the outskirts of the local used car sales dealer shop called "PAY DAY Used Cars".

The man just seemed to be "hanging out" taking his time but when I got a good look at his face - can't say for sure or not but he "looked sad", "depressed" or "downtrodden".

At that point I was thinkin' in my mind of handing him a "Jesus Christ LOVES You!" Gospel of Jesus Christ gospel tract but judging by "gut-instinct" and timing... The moment just wasn't right or "meant to be" to be more accurate. He didn't really want to be "engaged" in conversation at this time so-to-speak.

Not like I'm the kind of "talker" to keep on yappin' when somebody doesn't want to be bothered: I never talk to people just "out-of-the-blue" for no good reason.

I always have something to do.

I saw him while I was still in the midst of "witnessing" the Word to oncoming traffic on the road. Didn't really get to say much to the man besides saying, "Hello sir, are you alright?" to which he nodded yes and replied "Yeah..." but not saying much with me thinking he just wants to "be to himself" so I simply took the "cue" and slowly got back into "street-preaching" mode to hold up the Bible some more before stopping at 12:10p.m. when I checked my cell phone's time.

Stopped at Patti Road about to go on up to home for the afternoon... Amen.

~ Bro. Jed

Friday, February 2, 2018

Church Sunday Afternoon: The LONG "Stretch"...

Last Sunday, January 28, 2018 after church the Spirit of the Lord led me to street-preach His Word from 12:00p.m. afternoon after church walking on the grassy sideway of University Avenue. 

I made my left turn on Patti Road walking on the "steep-sided" grassy, dirt roadside all the way down witnessing to as many people driving by in their cars and trucks as I could keep up with as I also said "Good afternoon" to an elder white man riding his bike with my hands holding up a Bible to air. 

At the "Kohnke Hill Road intersection" on Patti Road I made a right turn to walk up to "College Missionary Baptist Church" to see if it was open that I meet the pastor and brethren there. 

... Turns out the church "site" looked "abandoned"; don't know if it's a vacant church building no longer in operation or whatever's going on with it... 

Anyways after I found out the "status" of that local church in the area I simply made me a left turn walking back down Kohnke Hill Road on my way home done with my street-preaching by 12:55p.m. as I made my way to the community road entrance... Amen. 

~ Bro. Jed

Monday, January 22, 2018

A Sunday Street-Preaching SUPRISE!

Yesterday morning, January 21, 2018 I was led of the Lord to street-preach His Word walking on up Kohnke Hill Road on the way to church by after 9:30a.m.

As I was walking on up the road I met an older brother in Christ who turns out to be a minister or pastor in his dark red truck and at first he drove ahead of me passing me on the road but then "slowly stopped" and reversed to back up and as I sensed backed up to "talk to me".

He asked if I needed a ride to church to which I responded "No, not this time. I'm gonna walk this one. Thanks for offering, though." and after a brief chat we went our ways.

... Fast-forward a few minutes later as I'm holding up His Word to approaching cars on both sides of the road as I walk across the road in long "spaces" between cars driving a young black man around my peer age group stopped in his truck right quick to ask me if I needed a ride to church or something as I walked down Patti Road heading towards University Avenue here in Hammond, LA. Said "No, I'm good. I'm walking my way over" and before I could he or I could go further since he stopped shortly in the middle of the road; he picked up speed and drove on since like if he's a fellow brother in Christ, a "Christian" and has no other important matters to attend to; we should all be going to church somewhere on a Sunday.

Also, another black guy drove by me in his silver car and asked if I needed a ride and told him "Nah, I'm good. I'm walking it." to which he realized and if he was a believer I wondered if he wondered if I wondered whether he was going to church or not himself lol.

Either way, I understand: I've just now been getting back into the "routine" of going back to church after a long "period" away. The Lord's been growing and maturing me in His Will.

So, continuing on down I meet a young black lady with her daughter in a silver car as she stops to aske me if I need a ride to church.

"Judging" by her attire she looked "dressed up" like she was going to church herself; her daughter did too. I said, "No, thanks. I'm walking on down to church on University Avenue. It's not too far for me walking I've done it before. Not this time. Thanks for the offer though." to which she readily nodded "okay" and drove on her way. She was friendly and smiling ever since she saw me "street-preaching" holding a Bible up in the air.

The more I "thought about it" when I was doing it, a lot of people must have thought I was "flagging them over" to "hitchhike" to ask them for a ride or something since a few people were thoughtful and considerate enough to "slow down" and ask me what my "deal was".

I'm glad some people were this thoughtful and considerate as human-beings; and eventually a lot of people caught on with my "holding a Bible" meant more a *MESSAGE* for the viewers than me just out "hitchhiking" a ride.

So I made it on down Patti and at the end of Patti Road crossing into University Avenue met elder brother "K" from church and his wife driving on by in their red truck.

Must have "caught them by surprised" with them seeing me out "holding up a Bible" to people driving by in their vehicles.

Anyways, elder brother "K" along with his wife asked me if I "needed a ride" the rest of the way over to church to which I replied "No, not this time. Maybe for another."


Any other times I wasn't"busy with the Lord's Business" and it was favorable for me to do so, yeah I would have taken elder brother K's offer. It's never no "personal thing" when people actually offer to HELP ME. I appreciate and take those offers; I just can't stop doing something God wants me to do and "throw off" something God's Doing that I'll regret later.

It's been a long while since I've been preaching or "witnessing" in public with the Word or any other Christian signs, posters etc. but I've never "stopped soulwinning or evangelizing" just because I'm not "out there in the open with a Bible" in my hand.

True soulwinners of the brethren know that soulwinning and evangelizing for the Saviour is a 24/7 experience. It never ends until we die and even then it never ends just because "we leave" our works to reach people for Christ continues in the resources and projects and "legacies" we leave behind in our life testimonies and our brothers and sisters in Christ who continue to "carry the torch" and pass on the evangelizing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (KJV 1 Corinthians 15:1-4) to *ALL* people be aware of and know.

The Lord Jesus Christ gives the increase of the "Harvest of Souls" but we Christians are His "husbandmen" out in the field supposed to be doing the work of "planting seeds" of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (KJV 1 Corinthians 15:1-4) of the unsaved unbelievers.

Nonetheless, yesterday I made it to church (and on time). Definitely making it a POINT to get to any place (especially GOD'S HOUSE) on time and time to spare! Amen!

... Going forward with the Holy Spirit working in us the local "church body" we grow by FAITH and not be sight.

Everybody knows the Modern Christian church has "problems"; but that's not what matters.

I sense a CHANGE or rather *SHIFT* happening in the Body of Christ.

"Stagnation" can't carry on forever in the Church Body; nor will it: it just takes a little time for BIG CHANGE to occur.

That's what's happening.

So anytime I hear people taking "bad" and "negative" about the "apostasy" in the church, I know the deal: the Church is CHANGING though.

Lord Knows it's on many hearts for there to be at least ONE BIG REVIVAL before He calls the Church back Home in the Rapture.

I'm personally in "no rush" for the Rapture to occur: my approach to these Last Days is two-fold:

1. Preparation towards to Rapture.


2. Preparation for the Lord tarrying a great many years before the Rapture.


By His Grace, either way I'm gonna do my best to CONTEND FOR THE FAITH!

It's not called "spiritual warfare" for nothing y'all.


~ Bro. Jed

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

One Among Many

2018 and the Lord mustered the spirit in me to witness to two young women I "felt" in my spirit to share the "Good News" of Jesus with.

First one was a young black woman 'round my age or younger (probably teens, late teens, etc. doubt she older than me if anything).

I'm 23 years-old as of yet and Lord-willing may live to be 24 years-old in the coming month of February.

Young black woman I witnessed to at the local health clinic here in Hammond where all the pregnant women and truly "single mothers" congregate for care for their children and pregnancies.

I walked on up to the young black woman with her son by her side. She sitting down hunched over in her lap looking at her smartphone.

She looked sad and depressed from the "outside-looking-in"; not getting "personal".

Gave her the "Jesus Christ LOVES You" gospel tract after "introducing" my presence and reason for contacting her. She accepted as I slowly and smoothly "walked away" from the scene whispering prayer that the Lord would work in her heart at that instance with my back turned from her walking away.

The other young white woman; considerably older. Probably in her late twenties or early thirties I figure I saw earlier in the main lobby waiting area by her lonesome. I kept "eyeing" her back-and-forth as we both "looked at each other" sitting across from each other at the opposite sides of the room.

Eventually out of "what have I got to lose" courage in the Spirit in my spirt just had to walk on over to the woman whether she accepted or rejected and handed her a "Jesus Christ LOVES You" gospel tract.

In positive friendly reception to my "surprise" she accepted... Hopefully she is saved... Amen.

More to this story than I care to say though it was a "trying-time" for me to do... 'cause my mind was so "clouded in a fog" of malice and negativity I had to "see His Light" at the end of my storm...

In these instances, I understood "my role" in the circumstances as the only man around women: I *LEAD* as was appropriate in my agency... Such as I could do right... Thank the Lord. Amen.

~ Bro. Jed

A Brief Spontaneous "Piggly Wiggly" Surprise...

It's been a great while since I've had good opportunity to be able to give someone one of my handwritten " Jesus Christ LOVES ...