Saturday, June 25, 2016

"I'm A 'Good Person'"...

Well today, Saturday, June 25, 2016 I woke up to a late start this morning that I was hoping to wake up at 7:00a.m. and be at the library the time it opens on Saturdays at 6:00a.m.

The Devil, Satan I perceive and think was really putting some discouraging "thoughts" in my head to keep me from GOING OUT and being a witness of the Light of Christ to the people. I really HATE that hindrance but that's what he's always going to do; so I must always be in a FIGHTING SPIRITUAL WARFARE MINDSET whenever I am working on something to glorify God, and going out into the world soulwinning and evangelizing the lost...

Long story short, got up (late), got ready and headed out the door...

So on my way walking down Hoffman Street and at the time it was a bright, sunny morning joyous day and it was on my heart and I "thought" I heard God in the Spirit telling me to street-preach on my way to the library.

Well... not so, at least not at that time as just when I went to get out my large-sized burgundy bible the and began street-preaching a little in "warm up" the Spirit of the Lord said, "Not now at this time, but later..." so I put up my bible and walked on up Hillsboro Street on the sidewalk then at the cross-intersection of Hillsboro Street and Kress Street I made right turn onto Kress Street on the sidewalk as I finally made my way to the library...

Just when I thought it was going to be a "sunny day", on my way walking up Kress Street I noticed the dark gloominess of the sky and anticipated it to rain later but didn't know when. That's the thing about this "Texas weather" it may be subject to changes often and can go from dark, gloomy and storming rainy weather; then all of a sudden subside and change back to "sunny weather" while it's still raining and you could cross from one side of the sky being dark, gloomy and raining while walking on over to the other side, the land is dry, the sun is out sunny and there's no gloomy, dark purplish, gray clouds, but light blue sky and sunny sun.

In fact, as I'm typing this, just looking out the window the "SUN HAS ARRIVED!" just like it was never "raining" in the short rain spell that was going on a little while ago. The dark gray clouds have passed on and now lighter coloured blue clouds are now in the sky for it to be so "light" and "sunny" now from the dark aftermath.

Anyways, at the library, as I walked in, a black man walked out from the men's restroom and I was just halfway across the hallway (it was raining outside at the time). He's like "Aww, man!" cuz it was raining outside and he didn't have no umbrella or anything to shield himself from the rain, just his shirt on.

I just kept on walking into the librar and I think he may have gone out or not but later on as I got ready to work on here in the library and get my laptop computer and "work station" setup I went over to the library computers and saw two black men at the computers.

The black man I saw was from earlier and we say "Hey" and nod on heads on our business.

The Spirit spoke to me and said "Give him that gospel tract. It's for him"; so this time as I got ready 'cause I did not want to miss this opportunity" I walked on back to the man; praying behind a bookshelf row for the black man to receive the gospel tract and as I approached him I said "Felt led to give you this..." and walked on back to my place as he said "Al'right, thanks man..." and that was the end of it.

The gospel tract I gave him was that "Freedom League Tract" called "I'm A Good Person".

Well, in God's Sight I'm only a "good person" through CHRIST and not of my own. Amen.

~ Sincerely,

Bro. Jed

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